Home » Inulin fiber aggravates inflammatory bowel diseases. « Medicine in the Library

Inulin fiber aggravates inflammatory bowel diseases. « Medicine in the Library

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Inulin fiber aggravates inflammatory bowel diseases.  « Medicine in the Library

Inulin fiber aggravates inflammatory bowel diseases.

Posted by giorgiobertin on May 4, 2024

Inulin, a type of fiber found in some plant-based foods and fiber supplements, causes inflammation in the gut and exacerbates inflammatory bowel disease in a preclinical model, according to a new study by researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine. The surprising findings could pave the way for therapeutic diets that could help relieve symptoms and promote gut health.

Mouse proximal colon with epithelial cells shown in blue color. Credit: Elizabeth Emanuel (co-author, graduate student, Artis Lab)

The study, published in “Journal of Experimental Medicine“, shows that inulin, found in foods such as garlic, leeks and sunchokes, as well as in commonly used fiber supplements and foods with added fiber, stimulates microbes in the gut to release bile acids that increase the production of molecules that promote intestinal inflammation.
One of these proteins, called IL-33, causes the activation of immune cells called group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s), triggering an excessive immune response similar to an allergic reaction. That excessive immune response then exacerbates intestinal damage and symptoms in an animal model of inflammatory bowel disease.

The researchers expected that inulin would also have protective effects in inflammatory bowel disease. But they discovered exactly the opposite.

Read abstract of the article:
Dietary fiber is a critical determinant of pathologic ILC2 responses and intestinal inflammation.
Mohammad Arifuzzaman, Tae Hyung Won, Hiroshi Yano, Jazib Uddin, Elizabeth R. Emanuel, Elin Hu, Wen Zhang, Ting-Ting Li, Wen-Bing Jin, Alex Grier, Sanchita Kashyap, JRI Live Cell Bank, Chun-Jun Guo, Frank C. Schroeder, David Artis;
J Exp Med 6 May 2024; 221 (5): e20232148. doi:

See also  "My disease has gotten worse"

Fonte: Weill Cornell Medicine

This entry was posted on Maggio 4, 2024 a 6:10 am and is filed under News-ricerca.
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