Home » The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held an enlarged meeting to convey and study the important instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the landslide disaster in the Chayang section of Meizhou-Dalian Expressway in Meizhou City, Guangdong Province. Lou Yangsheng presided over and delivered a speech_News Channel_CCTV Network (cctv.com)

The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held an enlarged meeting to convey and study the important instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the landslide disaster in the Chayang section of Meizhou-Dalian Expressway in Meizhou City, Guangdong Province. Lou Yangsheng presided over and delivered a speech_News Channel_CCTV Network (cctv.com)

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The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held an enlarged meeting to convey and study the important instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the landslide disaster in the Chayang section of Meizhou-Dalian Expressway in Meizhou City, Guangdong Province. Lou Yangsheng presided over and delivered a speech_News Channel_CCTV Network (cctv.com)

Province Convenes Meeting to Study Xi Jinping’s Instructions on Meizhou Landslide Disaster

In response to the tragic landslide disaster in the Chayang section of the Meizhou-Dalian Expressway in Meizhou City, Guangdong, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee recently held an enlarged meeting to convey and study the important instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping. The meeting, presided over by Lou Yangsheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, aimed to discuss the province’s work on production safety, flood prevention, and preparation.

During the meeting, the attendees carefully studied General Secretary Xi Jinping’s instructions and listened to a report on production safety in the province. It was emphasized that Xi Jinping’s instructions underscored the importance of production safety and demonstrated his deep concern for the well-being of the people. As a result, the meeting highlighted the necessity of implementing measures to prevent and contain major accidents, ensuring the safety of lives and property, and maintaining social stability.

Key points discussed at the meeting included the need to prioritize road safety, focusing on highways, important national and provincial arterial roads, railway lines, urban rail transit, and other critical areas. Measures such as conducting thorough investigations, identifying weak points and risks, utilizing modern technology, and strengthening command and dispatch were proposed to address these safety concerns.

Additionally, the meeting stressed the importance of comprehensive research and judgment, emphasizing proactive measures to prevent disasters before they occur. Strategies such as implementing flood prevention mechanisms, monitoring rain and water conditions, and improving disaster early warning systems were highlighted as essential in safeguarding against future calamities.

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Moreover, the meeting called for the stabilization and consolidation of responsibilities, emphasizing the need for joint management and accountability for dereliction of duty. Measures to enhance emergency response capabilities, public awareness, and self-rescue skills were also recommended to improve the overall level of intrinsic safety within the province.

Overall, the meeting served as a platform for provincial officials to align their strategies with Xi Jinping’s instructions and to reinforce their commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of the people in the face of natural disasters.

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