Home » The dog’s worst friend: they rescued ‘Bob’ from a guy who beat him terribly in the middle of the street

The dog’s worst friend: they rescued ‘Bob’ from a guy who beat him terribly in the middle of the street

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The dog’s worst friend: they rescued ‘Bob’ from a guy who beat him terribly in the middle of the street

This Friday the news about dogs on networks and TV channels They were not those of President Javier Milei, nor the anger of spokesman Manuel Adorni when they asked him if they were 4, 5 or 43, but rather they went viral. images of a beating that the owner gave to his pet in Flores. The issue came to light because it was recorded by the security cameras of homes in the area, where the man is seen walking with ‘Bob, then it was learned that this is the dog’s name, until he hits him in scenes of absolutely irrational violence:

It is not clear what the dog’s attitude was that led to the beating. In the black and white images, it is noted that the animal retraces its steps a few meters, apparently barking, and the subject’s reaction is violent: first the subject crouches down. and hits the dog on the floor, ‘Bob’ does not react and only manages to lie down, but then he lifts him more than a meter and a half high and crashes him with all the force he can against the floor, in a aggression that could have fractured it, even killed it if the poor animal hit its head on the tiles…

That video impacted the networks, the TV channels replicated it, and thus users began to ask for the location of the place and obviously the man who had had such a savage attitude with his pet, which led to the dog being rescued hours later by the police, who were able to easily enter the house because the man had run to the section to leave the key, fearing that he would go from aggressor to being attacked. He is now temporarily in charge of those who will be in charge of finding a new adoption for him, where ‘Bob’ has better luck, with respect and affection.

Authoritarians don’t like this

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The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is why it bothers those who believe they are the owners of the truth.

This is ‘Bob’, surprised when they went to look for him to see himself among people who pampered him.

“I got scared because I heard a very loud noise outside my house and I thought they were trying to steal something from me,” The woman of the house told the cameras that recorded the attack on the dog.. “I looked out the window and saw the man passing by and then when I looked through the cameras I found this,” he added.

“The truth is I never saw anything like this, but other neighbors commented that they had already seen him walking around the neighborhood with the dog, always pulling it and kicking it,” he concluded.

Extremely meek, Bob looked at the number of cameras and people around him, embarrassed by so many caresses and without understanding how his luck had changed in that way. He owes it to social networks, so many times merciless, but so many times so useful…


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