Home » The time we spend watching video is gradually stabilizing

The time we spend watching video is gradually stabilizing

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The time we spend watching video is gradually stabilizing

Hello, you are reading the next edition of the Marš newsletter, which is also published on the pages of Denník N. In this edition, you will learn, among other things, that we spend most of our time with television, YouTube and streaming services.

What videos we watch has stabilized in recent years

According to the latest data from the British company Thinkbox, the situation in video viewing has stabilized in recent years. We spend approximately 4.5 hours a day watching video, which is less than during the pandemic, but the same as in the period before it.

The distribution of this time has also stabilized. We spend most of our time – more than 3 hours – with television. The remaining time is mainly shared by YouTube and streaming services.

It is a little more balanced in the 16 to 34 age group. People of this age spend about an hour a day on YouTube videos, an hour on streaming services and an hour on traditional television. Of the other platforms, only the time spent on TikTok has grown in recent years.

The situation is also stabilizing on the market of streaming services. According to Thinkbox, 75% of Britons subscribe to at least one service.

However, the total number of subscriptions decreases slightly over time. So people tried several services and gradually canceled some of the subscriptions. It is a natural process that happens commonly in other segments as well.

Source – Thinkbox

We still watch advertising the most on television – up to 14 minutes a day. We are exposed to YouTube advertising for 2 minutes a day.

In the category of 16 to 34 years, it is again more balanced. People of this age are exposed to advertising less – only less than 10 minutes a day. Half of this time is advertising on television. This target group is exposed to YouTube advertising for 2.5 minutes per day.

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The distribution of viewers according to how much time they spend watching the video is also interesting. Ten percent of the most active viewers watch video up to 10 hours a day. On the contrary, for the least active, it is only a few minutes a day.

Source – Thinkbox

Are big or small influencers more effective?

Scientists from the University of Mannheim in Germany were looking for an answer to this question. They conducted the research on a sample of hundreds of influencers from Instagram. They divided them into three groups: up to 5,000, up to 20,000 and over 160,000 followers. What did they come up with?

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