Home » Red Youth, Red | Amrit Kaur has deleted the video: – Very stupid of me

Red Youth, Red | Amrit Kaur has deleted the video: – Very stupid of me

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Red Youth, Red |  Amrit Kaur has deleted the video: – Very stupid of me

Leader Amrit Kaur in Rød Ungdom tells NRK on Saturday afternoon that the much-discussed TikTok video that was shared on Friday, in which she called both NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg, Ap leader Jonas Gahr Støre and Oil Fund leader Nicolai Tangen terrorists, is now deleted.

– It was very stupid of me and I shouldn’t have said that. The video has been deleted, says Kaur NRK.

Hoem: – Damn pissed off

The video led to strong reactions from both Rødt politicians and politicians from other parties.

– When the RU leader says that Jonas Gahr Støre is a terrorist, I get really pissed off. What is the difference between Støre and Anders Behring Breivik in RU’s mind? said AUF leader Hoem to Nettavisen on Friday evening.

Rødt politician Mimir Kristjánsson was not gracious in his description of his own party’s youth politician on Saturday.

– I am proud that Rødt led the way in throwing Sylvi Listhaug because she accuses them of being terrorists, the Rødt politician wrote on Facebook.

– Now I am embarrassed and angry – in fact I would say that I am furious – because the leader of Rød Ungdom is following in Listhaug’s footsteps, he thunders on.

Didn’t want to pull the stamp on Friday

When Nettavisen spoke to Kaur on Friday, she was only willing to withdraw the label of Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre as a terrorist.

– I retract the statement that Støre is a terrorist. I had just come out of solitary confinement and probably had a bit of a high energy level. My point was not to define Støre as a terrorist, but to point out that Norway has not distanced itself well enough from the genocide in Palestine, and also participated in the genocide of the Palestinian people, Kaur told Nettavisen.

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However, she retained the terrorist stamp on Jens Stoltenberg, Nicolai Tangen and Benjamin Netanyahu.

– Stoltenberg is secretary general of what I believe is the world‘s largest terrorist organisation, namely NATO, and Nicolai Tangen is guilty of terrorism by having ensured that Norway has earned billions of kroner from the genocide, she said.

On Saturday morning, Kaur made a statement on Facebook.

– It was a derailment to call someone a terrorist, and by doing so I trivialized the experiences of the survivors (after the terrorist attack on Utøya, editor’s note) and relatives. I apologize for that, know that it was absolutely not the intention, she wrote then.

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