Home » Gender Equality Achieved in Medicine in Andalusia: A Look at the Numbers from 2023

Gender Equality Achieved in Medicine in Andalusia: A Look at the Numbers from 2023

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Gender Equality Achieved in Medicine in Andalusia: A Look at the Numbers from 2023

The practice of medicine in Andalusia has reached a significant milestone in 2023, with equality between sexes achieved in terms of the volume of professionals. According to the demographic report published by the Andalusian Council of Medical Colleges (CACM) this week, there are nearly the same number of women as men in the medical profession. Specifically, there are 23,906 female doctors compared to 23,947 male doctors, with women representing 54.3 percent of the total active physicians.

The data reflects a noticeable evolution in the field, with a significant increase in female doctors compared to twenty years ago when there were only 10,000 female members. The total number of doctors in Andalusia has also increased, from 28,339 professionals in 2003 to 47,853 in the past year, but the percentage of female doctors has seen a much higher variation.

In terms of specialties, Family and Community Medicine continue to be the specialty with the highest number of women doctors in Andalusia, followed by Pediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynecology. However, specialties like Radiation Oncology and Medical Hydrology have the highest percentage of female professionals.

While some specialties like Stomatology, Orthopedic Surgery, and Cardiovascular Surgery remain predominantly male, there has been a noticeable increase in female representation in traditionally male-dominated fields like Thoracic Surgery and Neurosurgery.

Furthermore, the provincial data in Andalusia shows a balanced distribution of male and female doctors across the eight demarcations. The Andalusian Health Service plays a significant role in supporting work-life balance for female doctors, with a higher proportion of female doctors working exclusively in public health centers and hospitals compared to private or mixed practices.

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Overall, the increase in female doctors in Andalusia is a positive development, especially as the region has reached a record high in medical membership. The ratio of active registered doctors to inhabitants in Andalusia is also higher than other countries like France and the United Kingdom, indicating a robust healthcare system in the region.

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