Home » Fratoianni and the heroine Salis: a candidate only to emerge from irrelevance

Fratoianni and the heroine Salis: a candidate only to emerge from irrelevance

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Fratoianni and the heroine Salis: a candidate only to emerge from irrelevance

Dear Mr Fratoianni, from a very quick research into who first expressed the optimistic statement “There is a limit to everything”, it seems that, in these terms it was disclosed in the French film Monsieur le président directeur général, a 1966 comedy .

Obviously the wisdom of our ancient Romans, to express a similar concept, coined the jewel summarized in Est modus in rebus (Horace).

Therefore, dear Nicola, your way of “doing politics”, giving young people a behavioral example to follow, would have been condemned even before the birth of Christ.

She, who I defined as “executor in other people’s houses, is the political denial of those beautiful phrases.

For her it is clear that Non est modus in rebus.

Very easy to prove. Euclidean demonstration, sensational, almost an extreme and comical case, if it were not tragic, because it was carried out by a parliamentarian who, out of a desire to appear, not knowing what to do to show that he is doing something, is the author of two extreme, unbalanced cases, in which she always errs on the side of excess (once to want to punish, exaggeratedly, an innocent person, the other to exaggerately reward a guilty person). Proof of being unbalanced.

Angela Maria Sartini, does this name remind you of anything? No? So I’ll give you a little help.

Hitler calls Draghi in a cartoon: earthquake for a cartoonist-councillor of the League

I wrote like this in an article some time ago: “For Nicola Fratoianni (Italian Left) who calls for further punishments for the cartoonist, Angela Maria Sartini (common councilor of Orvieto, already with delegates withdrawn and suspended by the party, La Lega), who would be gone … beyond all limits. Thoughts, words, deeds, Sartini has gone beyond all limits, in the first two areas (but I don’t know how many). politicized would say the same thing. I, for one, don’t say it), our prestigious M’Illumino d’incense went further even in the third.

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Let’s be serious, dear Hon. Fratoianni: let’s stop and think calmly for a while. According to her, Mrs. Angela Maria Sartini, author of the cartoon, created following the last Prime Ministerial Decree (otherwise why compose it now?) having gone, in her words, beyond all limits, must be further punished, as it is not enough, always according his words, the immediate expulsion from the council and the suspension (expulsion?) from his party. I’d like to know what else should be inflicted on her. Do you have an idea adequate to blame? Years of “re-education”? Humor courses, I imagine always and only on the “enemy”, never on one’s “Boss”, with final exams? Or more effective punishments to get the message across, such as forced labor, fasting, torture, beatings, surgical operations to straighten the malfunctioning brain?”.

Implacable executioner in other people’s houses, she made it known that the reckless humorist should be banned from any public job. Apart from the fact (Sic transit Gloria Mundi) that today many would find the cartoon almost spot on, I’ll skip it so as not to make it too long, on his political creature, the Honorable Soumahoro who became famous for having entered the Chamber with his boots dirty with mud and his fist clenched, to defend the exploited workers (or because he thought he was entering the famous Mussolini “bivouac”) and, later, even more famous together with his elegant wife. Episode, from start to finish, to be ashamed of, condemning it every other day too.

But let’s come to her latest masterpiece, to show Europeans that she exists too: the well-known heroine Salis, famous for going to beat up fascists around the world, convicted many times over, who she put at the top of the list in her party in the next European elections .

It would be one thing to sympathize with one aspect of her story, it’s another thing to try to send someone without political experience and without the slightest preparation to the European Parliament, who has become famous only for her habit of going and making trouble in other people’s houses. Why go looking for trouble abroad? She could very well vent her truncheon anger in Italy…. Every morning, leaving the house, perhaps even in a bad mood, you know how many fascist faces to beat up, she would find…. And the father of this fine exemplar of civilized living, what would he reply to her question: But did you teach your daughter to beat up those who don’t think like you?

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Conclusion: For you, Mr Fratoianni, to tell the truth, not very honourable, Non est modus in rebus, for the unlimited nerve in having been exaggerated, beyond all limits, with the Orvieto Sartini and exaggerated beyond all limits, in rewarding the Salis truncheon machine.

Synthetizing, secondo la saggezza dei nostri patri latini: There is a way in things, and to err is human, but to persevere is diabolical. Therefore, he returned to the devil.

May I suggest to your wife, who complains about being known just for being his wife, how to become famous on her own?

Dear Mrs Fratoianni, I justifiably disagree with your position, at least on this unfortunate move for Salis. If you don’t condemn any of the absurd initiatives of your husband, well, it seems right to me that you remain “Fratoianni’s wife”.

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