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Othmar Karas does not rule out his own list in the National Council election

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Othmar Karas does not rule out his own list in the National Council election

After 25 years, ÖVP politician Othmar Karas is saying goodbye to the EU Parliament. A political comeback would be possible in the National Council elections in the fall

In an interview with ORF-Niederösterreich, EU parliamentarian Othmar Karas talks about the time after Brussels when he says goodbye to his post as First Vice-President in the summer. Karas does not rule out a comeback in national politics.

“I will continue to be politically active afterwards and get involved in the debates because Austria and Europe are important to me, because I believe that we have to politicize politics and intensify the dialogue with citizens, because we are in a very complex situation “We live in a time that means there is no easy answer, especially not a national one. That’s why talking about the future with citizens is so important to me,” says Karas.

When asked whether he would run in the National Council election, Karas replied that he was “not ruling anything out today.” The ÖVP man is also repeatedly brought into play as a possible candidate for the federal presidency. “Those who know me know that I only do things that make sense, where I can shape things and bring together constructive forces across parties. In this sense, I will continue to be involved,” was the answer.

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