Home » Atlas of remote sounds, review of the book by Víctor Terrazas (2024)

Atlas of remote sounds, review of the book by Víctor Terrazas (2024)

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Atlas of remote sounds, review of the book by Víctor Terrazas (2024)

Travel from the pages of a book. The idea, although always attractive, does not resonate a priori with anything new, of course. But, if the trip in question is planned based on the search for hidden sounds scattered throughout diverse, isolated and distant corners of the world, things change. And a lot. It changes so much, in fact, that the present Atlas – indeed, the volume in question cannot and should not be defined in any other way – is priceless after giving off an extraordinary intrinsic (and at the same time emotional) value.

“Atlas of remote sounds” It looks extremely like a product that is as original as it is detailed and well-founded by its author, Victor Terrazas, who evidences having thoroughly documented himself with the intention of completing the far from simple adventure in which he decided to embark. The same one that he now shares with any reader who makes the right decision to get lost among the pages and destinations (a total of twenty-six) that houses this wonderfully bound volume and presented by Ediciones Menguantes.

From an Iceberg to a Volcanic Island. From the Mongolian Steppe to Patagonia. From Papua New Guinea to the Sahara Desert. From Tibet to Outer Space. A thesis with a certain scientific and, above all, human profile, which advocates the power of sounds and music as a mode of expression, transmission and social confluence. The impeccable texts of Terrazas are joined by the equally priceless maps and illustrations of González Macías, in an artistic synergy that is unbeatable in attractiveness and substance.

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A book full of exoticism, unthinkable connections and curiosities capable of disarming the reader, who in addition to traveling in space, also travels in time until realizing that moment in which some type of sound manifestation unleashed an event or tradition worthy of mention. . “Atlas of remote sounds” It is, above all, a precious specimen, one of those that it is impossible not to treasure every time it comes into contact with your hands. The result of that wonderful madness in which he found himself involved Victor Terrazasand from which he has not only emerged unscathed, but also triumphant.

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