Home » The government commission lacks the competence for outpatient care

The government commission lacks the competence for outpatient care

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The government commission lacks the competence for outpatient care

05.05.2024 – 15:19

Federal Medical Association

Berlin (ots)

Regarding the 10th recommendation of the government commission for modern and needs-based hospital care, Federal Medical Association President Dr. Klaus Reinhardt:

“It is becoming more and more of a problem that the government commission made up of scientists makes policy recommendations without having the necessary care knowledge from clinical and practice. This is blatantly clear in its current statement on cross-sector care.

With its statements about the alleged ‘double specialist track’, the commission is rehashing a debate from the past and carelessly questioning outpatient specialist care in Germany. The recommendation leaves it completely unclear what the alleged inefficiency of this care lies.

The Commission fails to recognize that there are already numerous forms of cooperation between practicing doctors and hospitals. You will look in vain in the paper for any truly new suggestions on how this cooperation can be facilitated and strengthened.

The German healthcare system does not need any uncertainty among practicing specialists, but rather measures to strengthen specialist and general practitioner care as well as the sector-connecting organizational structures that already exist today.

The so-called ‘Level II clinics’ will not be able to take on the central role in care that the Commission wants them to play. Facilities run by nurses without an emergency room and in which no doctor is present at night are essentially not hospitals and cannot provide basic inpatient care.

It is regrettable that even with this recommendation the Commission sticks to its line of avoiding dialogue with those responsible for care in the outpatient and inpatient sectors. This leads to recommendations that completely ignore the reality of care.

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The abolition of economically independent specialist medical work would mean a massive paradigm shift away from an individualized doctor-patient relationship towards state-organized structures. In the context of such political discussions, the willingness of young doctors to become economically independent is certainly not encouraged.

Overall, the government commission’s statements so far unfortunately do not provide a coherent overall picture.”

Press contact:

Federal Medical Association
Politics and Communications Department
Herbert-Lewin-Platz 1
10623 Berlin
Tel.: (030) 4004 56 700
Fax: (030) 4004 56 707
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: German Medical Association, transmitted by news aktuell

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