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Seligenstadt dentist comes to patients’ homes

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Seligenstadt dentist comes to patients’ homes



Not every patient can sit in dentist Klaus Habel’s (l.) treatment chair like Ingo Pfaller. In such cases, Detlef Hersel (back) comes to your home. © Oehl

Going to the dentist’s office becomes a challenge at some point, especially for older people in need of care. To ensure that these patients are also examined regularly, Dr. Detlef Hersel now goes into their house.

Seligenstadt – Some go twice a year, others once – for many people, a regular appointment at the dentist is a permanent fixture in their calendar. But what if going to the practice is no longer so easy? At some point, especially for older people in need of care, going to the dentist becomes a challenge – and then often falls by the wayside.

That’s exactly where Dr. Detlef Hersel comes into play. The dentist, who previously had his own practice in Oberursel, has been traveling to Rodgau, Rödermark, Obertshausen and Heusenstamm for almost ten years to provide dental treatment to patients in need of care who cannot be transported. Since February, Hersel has been in the Seligenstadt practice of Dr. Klaus Habel employed. In collaboration with the Dental Initiative Region Seligenstadt (Zirs), Detlef Hersel now also treats patients in need of care from dentists in Seligenstadt, Hainburg and Mainhausen at their homes.

Full-time home visits are a significant step forward

Such home visits are often difficult for local dentists, explains Zirs member Dr. Ingo Pfaller. “The visits are only possible during the day, but the practice is full. Nobody will take anything away from the consultation hours, so the dentists have to take their break or towards the end of the day. If they then come to people with dementia or severely impaired people who are not ready, they have gone there in vain. Someone doing these home visits full-time is therefore significant progress.”

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Contact for patients

For home visits, patients and relatives can contact Dr. Habel, 06182 3238 or directly from Dr. Detlef Hersel, 0162 6262875 or d.hersel. Report to [email protected].

Detlef Hersel’s goal is to regularly visit patients in and around Seligenstadt. This is a great relief for both patients and their relatives. Transporting the patient to the practice is often a major effort that brings with it stress and excessive demands. In addition, not all practices are barrier-free. “Currently, relatives often only contact the dentist when there is an emergency,” says Ingo Pfaller. “Then the child fell into the well,” adds Detlef Hersel. For him, it’s all about prevention. Removing tartar, polishing, making fillings – Hersel can do all of this at the patient’s home. “If you can detect tooth decay early, for example, you can plan well if a visit to the practice is necessary,” says the dentist. Hersel can also help at home if dentures are lost or no longer fit.

Treatments during normal consultation hours

It is not uncommon for treatments to take place directly at the nursing bed. As a rule, patients are affected by previous illnesses. “If they are still somewhat mobile, I also treat them in a wheelchair or on a chair at the kitchen table. Then I have more freedom of movement. “But it always depends on how the patients can cooperate,” explains Hersel. Patience is particularly important for people with dementia. “Anything else is counterproductive.” And an open ear is sometimes necessary. “People are often alone. “That means you get told a lot at first because they are happy about your visit,” says Hersel about his everyday work. The gratitude of patients and relatives is always great. “Ultimately, healthy teeth also increase self-esteem.”

The treatments take place during normal practice consultation hours. The examinations at home are billed as in the practice Health insurance. “Everything that requires a personal contribution is discussed and signed by the patient or carer,” explains Detlef Hersel. The health insurance company also usually covers the home visit fee. Privately insured patients submit the bill to their insurance company.

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Detlef Hersel currently only treats seniors, but young patients in need of care can also take advantage of the offer. “Young people usually still have full teeth,” explains Ingo Pfaller. This is where regular visits to the dentist are important. (By Laura Oehl)

The Dental Initiative Region Seligenstadt (Zirs)

The Dental Initiative Region Seligenstadt eV (Zirs) is a quality circle that was founded in 2000 by the practices based in the region. A total of 21 dental practices from Seligenstadt, Hainburg, Mainhausen, Hanau and Karlstein are members of the Zirs. The association has set itself the goal of providing its members with continuous professional development and promoting collegial exchange among themselves. In addition to regular meetings, continuing dental training is also offered. The board currently consists of five dentists in Seligenstadt – Dr. Rainer Schäfer, Dr. Thomas Kreck, Andrea Wilz, Dr. Andreas Weber and Dr. Klaus Habel – together. (loe)

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