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Prabowo Era Ministries Increase? They Speak Up

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Prabowo Era Ministries Increase?  They Speak Up


The issue arose of the number of ministerial posts in the ministerial cabinet of the President and Vice President-elect Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka will increase from the administration of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)-Vice President Ma’ruf Amin. President Jokowi and a number of political elites responded to this issue.

Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, considers it natural that the Prabowo-Gibran cabinet will require the involvement of many parties. He believes that a fat cabinet for the sake of statehood is a good thing to answer future challenges.

“If you are fat in the physical context of an individual, it is not healthy, but in the context of the country, a large number means big, for me it is good. Our country is a big country. Our challenges are big, our targets are big,” Habiburokhman told reporters. at the MPR/DPR/DPD RI building complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (6/5).



“It’s natural that we need to gather a lot of people, gather in government so that it becomes big,” he added.

Habiburokhman dismissed the view that the addition of ministerial posts was to accommodate political support. He handed over to Prabowo the discourse on adding ministerial posts.

“We received input from the public, but that’s it, the authority to form a cabinet, what kind of formation, how many, in substance, whether the constitution is in Pak Prabowo, as elected president,” he continued.

On the other hand, Habiburokhman admitted to receiving input that there were problems in several ministries currently. He mentioned the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemkumham) and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK).

“Try in Kumham, yes, there are director general functions that are very different from each other, actually. AHU (General Legal Administration) and society, actually they are somewhat less connected. Then there is also human rights, the Directorate General of Human Rights, that’s quite a bit “It’s different. In many countries it is managed by special officials,” he continued.

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“The same goes for the environment, which caused a stir yesterday, the environment and forestry, if I’m not mistaken. This practice even existed in two commissions,” said Habiburokhman.

He said there was a need to improve the problems that occurred in a number of ministries. So, according to him, the consequence of this is that there needs to be development and institutions.

Vice President-elect Gibran Rakabuming said the plan was still under discussion. He admitted that one of the ministries that was discussed was the ministry that handles free lunches.

However, Gibran asked to wait for the ministry first.

“That’s for later, it’s still being discussed, it’s still being discussed, just wait. Yesterday it was discussed (the ministry for free lunches). But wait a minute,” said Gibran as reported by detikJateng, Tuesday (7/5/2024).

Regarding the urgency of the free lunch ministry, Gibran said there were several factors. One of them is because the budget is large and requires monitoring which is not easy.

“Yes, because it involves a large budget, distribution is not easy, logistics is also not easy, monitoring is also not easy,” he said.

PAN Values ​​Spirit Not Sharing

PAN believes that the discourse on adding ministers is aimed at facing RI’s challenges in the future. Deputy Chief of PAN Yandri Susanto handed over to Prabowo the future posture of the cabinet.

“Pak Prabowo is definitely taking steps for the sake of the nation and state. In facing uncertain world problems, there are also many domestic problems, so togetherness is necessary,” he told journalists, Monday (6/5/2024).

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“If there will be an increase in the number of ministers, I am sure the enthusiasm will not be to divide but to answer the challenge together,” he added.

According to him, Prabowo understands the needs of his future government. Yandri ensured that PAN was ready if invited to discuss this matter.

“And the principle is that PAN leaves it entirely up to Pak Prabowo as the elected president to formulate the cabinet’s posture according to future needs and challenges. So because Pak Prabowo knows exactly how to answer all the challenges, what is needed,” said Yandri.

Jokowi and Ma’ruf Amin’s response

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) also responded to this issue. Jokowi handed over to Prabowo-Gibran as President and Elected Deputy 2024-2029.

“Please ask the president-elect about the upcoming cabinet. Ask the president-elect,” said Jokowi to journalists in Tapos, Depok, West Java, Tuesday (7/5/2024). Jokowi answered the question regarding the need for additional ministries.

Vice President Ma’ruf Amin said the current number of ministries was in ideal form. Ma’ruf said 34 ministries in his current government had passed the review stage. According to Ma’ruf, this amount is currently sufficient.

“Of course, currently there are 34 ideal forms,” ​​said Ma’ruf at Grand Sahid Jaya, Jalan Sudirman, Jakarta, Tuesday (7/5/2024).

Even so, Ma’ruf said he did not rule out the possibility that the number of ministries could increase. He considered that this could be adapted to government needs.

“But it could be more than that, if there is a need, maybe it could be more than that,” he said.

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Also watch the video ‘Jokowi regarding Prabowo’s Cabinet: The Right of the Elected President, If He Makes His Suggestions’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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