Home » Unleash Your Abs of Steel with This Must-Try Pilates Movement!

Unleash Your Abs of Steel with This Must-Try Pilates Movement!

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Unleash Your Abs of Steel with This Must-Try Pilates Movement!

**Get abs of steel by including this movement in your fitness routine**

We know that pilates is one of the sports that has become most fashionable in recent times. Just look a little at the routines fitness that they share from time to time celebrities in networks to realize that this discipline is part of the daily lives of many. We understand that the hype that has been created around this sport is not pure coincidence and the results speak for themselves, especially when it comes to toning body muscles. A little Pilates is essential.

Since structuring an upper or lower body routine is often a somewhat difficult task for us, we go in search of those star exercises whose results are notable so that they become part of our training after putting them to the test for several days. The ‘teaser’ is one of those movements that cannot be missing in a good session to crush abs, perfect for showing off a defined belly.

If you want to show off an incredible six-pack, you cannot ignore the Pilates exercise of the moment, a set of movements that focuses on strengthening the core and also helps improve balance while gaining muscle mass in the area of the back, increasing its strength and also improving body posture.

**The step by step of the ‘Teaser’**

We lie face up on the yoga mat, leaving our legs together and extended, slightly off the ground, all with our arms extended behind us. We inhale and exhale while raising our legs straight and together with our feet pointed, bringing our arms extended in front of us with our legs together and extended, forming a V.

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Next, we sit slightly behind the sit bones and keep our gaze focused in front, keeping the spine elongated and flat. We inhale and as we exhale, we slowly lower ourselves until we are in the starting position. Dare to try it at home!

Photos| Kamaji Ogino in Pexels

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