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the disease that afflicts millions of women in Italy

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the disease that afflicts millions of women in Italy

Fibromyalgia is a complex and multifactorial chronic syndrome, the etiopathogenesis of which is not yet clear. This pathology manifests itself with a wide range of diverse symptoms. Today, May 12, we celebrate World Fibromyalgia Day, a disease that afflicts around two million people in Italy, mainly women.

The complexity of the symptoms and the absence of biomarkers have led, on the one hand, to doubts about its existence and, on the other, to the need to establish specific diagnostic criteria to reduce the diagnostic delay, which is currently very high (on average 3 -5 years). The main symptoms of fibromyalgia include chronic widespread pain, stiffness, physical and mental fatigue, sleep disturbances, memory and concentration problems, mood changes, headaches and migraines.

The rheumatologist is the referring doctor for patients with fibromyalgia. Daniela Marotto, president of CReI, underlines the importance of an accurate diagnosis and a multimodal therapeutic approach, which includes not only drugs, but also regular physical activity, dietary advice and, in some cases, supportive psychological therapies.

Although fibromyalgia is recognized as a disease in many countries, Italy is not yet among them. The CReI invites institutions to recognize fibromyalgia as a disabling disease and to include it in the Essential Levels of Assistance. President Marotto concludes with an appeal: “Do not underestimate your symptoms, do not keep your discomfort in silence, do not silence your pain. Contact your general practitioner, who will refer you to a rheumatologist specialist.”

What is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a common pathology characterized by widespread pain and fatigue affecting the musculoskeletal system.

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Can fibromyalgia cause muscle contractions?

Yes, fibromyalgia can cause muscle contractions.

Can fibromyalgia cause pain on the top of the skull?

Yes, fibromyalgia can cause pain in various parts of the body, including the top of the skull.

Can fibromyalgia cause shortness of breath?

Yes, fibromyalgia can cause various symptoms, including shortness of breath.

Are there effective medications to deal with fibromyalgia pain?

Yes, there are various medications that can help manage the pain caused by fibromyalgia.

Is fibromyalgia just a form of depression?

No, fibromyalgia is not just a form of depression. It is a physical condition that causes pain and fatigue.

What is the life expectancy of life with Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia does not directly reduce life expectancy, but it can affect quality of life.

Are there famous people with Fibromyalgia?

Yes, there are several famous people who have said they have fibromyalgia.

Does fibromyalgia affect the muscles and muscle attachments to the bones?

Yes, fibromyalgia affects the muscles and muscle attachments to the bones.

Can fibromyalgia be considered a kind of soft tissue or extra-articular rheumatism?

Yes, fibromyalgia can be considered a kind of soft tissue or extra-articular rheumatism.

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