Home » Do unknown numbers call you and then hang up? This is how you can avoid ‘ghost calls’

Do unknown numbers call you and then hang up? This is how you can avoid ‘ghost calls’

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Do unknown numbers call you and then hang up?  This is how you can avoid ‘ghost calls’

Have they called you from an unknown number and when you answer they hang up? These “ghost calls” make more than one person nervous, especially due to the current computer insecurity and the multiple types of scams that can be committed through cell phones.

Instant communication is one of the factors that stands out the most in the digital age in which we find ourselves, and receiving one of these calls can cause an experience that can generate frustration and, especially, set off alarms.

However, there are several explanations for this phenomenon and many other solutions to permanently stop these calls that sometimes repeat constantly throughout the day.

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What are the reasons behind these calls?

The news site ‘Pulzo’ recently published that this type of calls on mobile phones that appear without leaving any message can arise from the following circumstances:

Technical errors: it is common for there to be certain errors and failures in mobile phone systems and these calls may be the result of this. Interrupted connections or network problems can cause communication to be cut off before you can respond.
Test calls: There are criminal organizations that carry out different verification tests to find out if the dialed numbers are active. By simply answering the call, they verify that the line is valid and can use it in the future for fraudulent purposes.
Automatic dialing: multiple entities within the economic sphere usually make calls to verify the effectiveness of automatic dialing systems, which can be disconnected if responses are not received immediately.
Telemarketing: there is a type of online sales in which calls are made en masse, dialing random numbers. If there is no response or the system considers that it has been directed to voicemail, the connection is cut.

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Scam modalities

Although there are reasons behind this event that seem harmless on the surface, there are two modalities that you should worry about.


As reported by BBVA Bank, the concept comes from the combination of two terms: “voice” and “phishing”, which refers to the type of risk in which a fraudulent telephone call is merged with data previously obtained from the Internet.

According to the entity, the cybercriminal must have previously obtained confidential information through a fraudulent email or website. However, he will not be able to carry out any operation without having the SMS password or the digital token. After this, the person will contact you posing as bank personnel and, through alarming messages, will try to persuade you to reveal your digital passwords and be able to authorize transactions.

It is important to remember that in these situations it is best to end the call immediately and contact your bank to report what happened. Financial institutions will never ask you for sensitive and confidential information, such as codes and passwords, through any means of communication.


According to previous information from Movistar, the origin of the term ‘Wangiri’ comes from Japanese and means “call and cut.” This type of scam involves the use of a computer system that generates multiple calls per minute and disconnects them after one or two rings.

This technological system can make between 200 and 300 thousand dials, and when you return the call it will begin to charge you, obtaining greater profits the longer you stay on the line, even if they do not answer.

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The victim of this type of fraud may not realize the theft has occurred until they receive their telephone bill and notice a higher amount than usual.

Avoid “ghost calls”

One of the most direct solutions in this type of situation is the option to ‘report and block’ your cell phone. On Android smartphones, you can find how to ‘Block unknown numbers’. In the case of iOS or iPhone cell phones, you can use the ‘Silence strangers’ option.

If you want to better backup and protect your information, you can consider the following security measures:

Install an antivirus program on your mobile device.
Regularly change your passwords.
Enable two-factor authentication on your bank accounts to prevent identity theft.
Delete any files downloaded from untrustworthy websites.

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