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Researchers Identify New Syndrome MIP-C Connected to COVID-19 and MDA5

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Researchers Identify New Syndrome MIP-C Connected to COVID-19 and MDA5

Researchers from the University of San Diego and the United Kingdom have identified a new COVID-related syndrome called MIP-C. This syndrome is associated with a rare autoimmune disease called MDA5-positive dermatomyositis. The study, led by Pradipta Ghosh and Dennis McGonagle, found that MIP-C is characterized by lung scarring and high levels of interleukin-15.

The researchers used a novel analysis technique called Bioinformatics Operations for the Next Era (BoNE) to identify the syndrome and establish a causal link between MDA5 autoimmunity and interstitial pneumonitis contemporaneous with COVID-19. The syndrome has already claimed the lives of eight patients in the study group.

Ghosh and his team hope that their findings will lead to further research into the treatment of MIP-C. They believe that this syndrome is not limited to the UK and have received reports of similar symptoms from around the world. The team’s discovery of interleukin-15 as a key factor in MIP-C could potentially provide new avenues for treatment.

The researchers are now focused on understanding the mechanisms behind MIP-C and developing targeted therapies to improve outcomes for patients with this rare and deadly syndrome.

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