Home » “Like drowning in the ocean.” Symptoms and warning signs

“Like drowning in the ocean.” Symptoms and warning signs

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“Like drowning in the ocean.”  Symptoms and warning signs

Halle Bailey, famous for her role as Disney’s “The Little Mermaid”, opens up about postpartum depression

Halle Bailey, the 24-year-old actress known for her role as Ariel in Disney’s live-action “The Little Mermaid”, recently shared her experience with postpartum depression after the birth of her first child, Halo, in January 2024. In a candid post on social media, Bailey described not recognizing herself in the mirror and feeling adrift, like she was constantly swimming in the ocean trying not to drown.

Postpartum depression affects 10 to 30% of new mothers, and while age may be a risk factor according to some studies, experts like Dr. Alessandra Bramante emphasize that mothers of all ages and backgrounds can experience perinatal mental health disorders. Important risk factors for postpartum depression include a history of depression or psychiatric illness, lack of social support, and hormonal imbalances.

It’s important to differentiate between baby blues, a common and reversible condition that affects 80% of women after giving birth, and postpartum depression. Symptoms of postpartum depression can include persistent feelings of sadness, lack of energy, and difficulty in self-care. Early identification and treatment of postpartum depression are crucial for the well-being of both the mother and the child.

Dr. Bramante recommends seeking help from healthcare professionals, family members, or support groups if experiencing symptoms of postpartum depression. In Italy, there are specialized clinics and mental health services available for mothers in need. By raising awareness and destigmatizing postpartum depression, we can better support mothers in their journey towards recovery and well-being.

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Overall, the message is clear: postpartum depression is a common and treatable condition that can affect women of all ages and backgrounds. It’s important for mothers to seek help and support if they are experiencing symptoms, as early intervention can lead to a quicker recovery and better outcomes for both the mother and the child.

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