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My mother: breaking latest news of a luminous nostalgia – Port d’Attache

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My mother: breaking latest news of a luminous nostalgia – Port d’Attache

Besode Glower Pen with Purple Petals, by George Dolgikh from Pixabay

The goodbye that never ends

The calendar once again marks the passing of Mother’s Day, a day brimming with joyful celebrations for so many families, but for me it resonates differently. It evokes a sweetness mixed with melancholy, because my mother, this star who guided my every step, is no longer part of this visible world. She left us in 2019, leaving behind an immense void, but also a legacy of light.

My mother had left Haiti, leaving behind her life, her memories and her roots to cross oceans and continents. She was driven by the hope of finding her son (me) and building a new life in Quebec. In 2016, following our efforts with Canadian immigration, she became a permanent resident, and with my father, they reformed the family nest which had been scattered by the vagaries of life. It was a time of rebirth for her, for us.

In this voluntary exile, she took with her her strength and her unconditional love, the same qualities that she passed on to me and which define me today. When someone compliments me, I see her behind the praise. His invisible presence is a continuous thread that connects every second of my existence to his memory.

Woman Carrying Baby at the Beach During Sunset ((CC0) Pixabay)

The foundation of our family

My mother and father, an indissoluble duo, were the architects of our family. Their love for each other was a daily spectacle, a silent lesson in perseverance and mutual devotion. They supported each other in times of doubt and rejoiced together in victories, big and small.

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In our home, every evening, my mother reviewed my lessons with me. It was not just an academic exercise, but a ritual where she sowed in me the seeds of patience, curiosity, and above all, perseverance. His influence sculpted in me a deep love of learning and a respect for knowledge.

In our family, it is often said that I love my mother more than my father, a statement which although awkward, hides a more complex truth. My love for them is equal, but different in its expression, because my mother is the one who shaped my inner world, while my father structured the outer one.

Love is not measured in the balance of preferences but in the harmony of actions. If my mother carried me in the womb, my father carried me on his shoulders, both being equal pillars in the construction of my life. Loving one does not erase the love of the other.

Mother And Her Child On The Grass, by Daria Obymaha (Pixabay)

An eternal presence

Even in absence, a mother’s love remains a powerful gravitational force. For those who are still lucky enough to be able to hug their mother, I tell them: cherish every moment, every little daily habit, because these moments are precious. Show them how important they are, not only through words but through actions, simple gestures that say “I love you” louder than words.

And for those who, like me, look at Mother’s Day through tears of memory, let us remember that our mothers continue to live within us. Their teachings, their laughter, and even their reprimands, are echoes that resonate in our actions and our decisions.

My mother, this wonderful guardian, this constant companion, remains my guiding light. I am faithful to him, not out of obligation, but out of an eternal love that transcends physical absence. Through me, she lives, she influences, she still loves. I invite you to find not a story of loss, but a celebration of maternal love, a force that knows neither end nor borders.

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During this time when flowers bloom in tribute to mothers around the world, I contemplate with gratitude the indelible mark left by my mother. His life, although marked by sacrifices and farewells, shines with a light that does not fade with time. Every Mother’s Day renews my commitment to honoring her legacy, by living the values ​​she instilled in me.

So, even in the silence of her absence, she continues to guide my steps. For all who share this loss, let us remember that our mothers are eternal presences, whose love is our constant support and whose memory is a sanctuary of peace.

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