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[신간] If we could see animals’ dreams :: Empathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

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[신간] If we could see animals’ dreams :: Empathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

[서울=뉴시스] If we could see the dreams of animals (Photo = Provided by Wisdom House) 2024.05.13. [email protected] *Resale and database prohibited

[서울=뉴시스] Reporter Suji Lee = Do animals dream like humans?

Considering that a dog’s world is scent-centric, a dog’s dreams may be olfactory rather than visual.

Similarly, the dream of the goldfinch may be an auditory experience rather than a visual or olfactory content.

It was only after Charles Darwin’s ‘Origin of Species’ that humans began to think that animals also possessed mental abilities that had previously been thought to be possessed only by humans. Darwin said, “Dogs, cats, horses, and perhaps higher animals, even birds, have vivid dreams, so we must admit that they have some degree of imagination.”

The book ‘If We Could See Animal Dreams’ (Wisdom House) provides anthropological insight into the existence of animal dreams and the meaning contained in them.

The author presents various experimental results and criticizes the fact that humans have not acknowledged the dreams of non-human beings despite various evidence.

It presents various scientific experiments that prove that animals dream, divided into three categories: electrophysiology, ethology, and neuroanatomy.

Research on the golden-flower bird shows that the brain activity patterns shown when singing while awake are perfectly consistent with the patterns seen for a certain period of time in a sleeping state.

There is scientific evidence that makes it difficult to deny that animals dream, such as a chimpanzee that learned sign language and was shown talking through hand movements while sleeping, and a cat with pons damage that waved its front paws or tilted its ears back while actually showing a dream during REM sleep. Evidence was included.

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◎ Sympathetic media Newsis [email protected]

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