Home » D1 Lonato/ Gbikinti: Adika Komi returns the apron – Football in Togo

D1 Lonato/ Gbikinti: Adika Komi returns the apron – Football in Togo

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D1 Lonato/ Gbikinti: Adika Komi returns the apron – Football in Togo

Great architect of the rise to D1 of Gbikinti de Bassar, Adika Komi is no longer the coach of the Lions of the Barbara-Bassar mountains. He resigned from his post the day after the one-goal draw against Entente ll on the 22nd day of D1 Lonato.

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The promoted Gbikinti, for its return to D1, is experiencing a very difficult championship this season. After 22 days, the Bassar club is ranked 14th with 19 points. At this rate, the club dear to the population of Bassar risks going down to the lower division. Aware of the situation, Adika Komi, the boss of the Gbikinti technical staff, eight days before the end of the championship, decided to put an end to his adventure at the head of the Lions of Mount Barbara-Bassar. So the day after the draw (1-1) against the Entente ll last Saturday, he presented his resignation to the club’s executive office.

It should be remembered, with 19 points on the clock, Gbikinti is 6 points from the first non-relegation place.

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