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Hair falling out in the fall? Use these products

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Opaque, weaker and thinner. So i hair often occur in Autumn, period in which their fall tends to intensify. But that generally falls into a physiological phenomenon natural replacement destined to end within a few weeks. However, this is the time to give more attention to the hair. Like?

Falling hair: the recommended products

It is good to choose it carefully shampoo. Delicate, but restructuring and nourishing formulas, based on surfactants not aggressive and better if with guaranà, zinco O ginseng. Which go to strengthen the hair bulb. Then discuss with the pharmacist the opportunity to take a dietary supplement specific for the well-being of the hair and the use of vials to stimulate the microcirculation of the scalp.

Supplements based on amino acids, mineral salts and vitamins

«Hair health also passes through adequate intake of micronutrients. In other words, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, often lacking in today’s diet and particularly useful in the change of seasons »specifies the pharmacist Ilaria Ambrogi. «Daily intake is recommended to reinvigorate and give tone to the hair for a couple of months from capsules or tablets containing balanced formulations based on both amino acids, including methionine, cysteine, arginine e taurine. Both of minerals, in particular iron, zinc, copper and magnesium. And then enriched with vitamins of group B, vitamins C and E and flavonoids ».

The ingredients to look for in the vials

«At the same time it is useful to apply the content of vials characterized by a high presence of plant extracts, vitamins (especially of group B) e sulfur amino acids. Substances aimed at a good stimulation of the production of keratin, the main constituent of the hair. Among the main ingredients we find extracts of ginkgo biloba, paffia, lavender, lotus, caffeine, vitamin B, vitamin PP and other active ingredients to slow the fall, for example biotina, arginina, aminexil combined with Omega 6 extracts».

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How long does the treatment last?

«Due to the wide range of products it is essential to avoid doing it yourself and to discuss with the pharmacist to identify the one that best suits your case. To obtain good results, it is necessary to follow the dosage indicated on the package which, in principle, involves a course of treatment for three months ».

Hair that falls out: two to three shampoos a week

The pharmacist also points out that too frequent washing and high temperatures, both during washing and drying, can damage the hair. The ideal is therefore to opt for two or three shampoos a week, use warm water and use the appropriate one diffuser to be applied on the hairdryer. Or keep the jet of hot air at a distance of no less than 25 centimeters from the hair.

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