Home » What happens to people who drink coffee with high visceral fat and high blood sugar? Incredible

What happens to people who drink coffee with high visceral fat and high blood sugar? Incredible

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Coffee thanks to caffeine is a stimulant for the central nervous system, increases metabolism and makes you lose fat. But be careful because it can increase blood sugar, especially after meals.

What to eat to lower visceral fat?

Celery is rich in iodine. By acting on the thyroid, it speeds up all body functions and lowers visceral fat. Thanks also to the potassium that celery contains, it stimulates the kidneys and helps to accelerate metabolism. Celery fibers slow down the absorption of sugars and keep blood sugar constant, thus burning fat. It is ideal in the presence of ulcers and gastritis. Celery protects the gastric mucosa and decreases the production of gastric acids. Thanks to its high water content it is an ally against cellulite, water retention and visceral fat.

What to eat to lower blood sugar?

Artichokes help those with diabetes. For those who have to keep blood sugar under control, you can eat artichokes because they are rich in inulin. This substance is a polysaccharide that is not used by the body for energy production. For this it improves blood sugar control. Cynarin is present in the leaves of the artichokes. It is a substance that promotes diuresis and bile secretion. It is very useful in those pathologies such as hepatitis and cirrhosis. The artichokes must be eaten raw because the cynarin is deactivated when they are cooked.

What are the benefits of coffee?

Coffee can reduce the risk of some cancers. Relieves the symptoms of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. Those who drink it reduce the risk of heart, respiratory, stroke, and infections. The caffeine that coffee contains improves attention and quick reflexes. Coffee protects the initial tract of the colon. Drinking coffee improves mood, reduces the sense of fatigue and increases the ability to concentrate. It helps digestion but is not a digestive. Helps to stimulate gastric and biliary secretion. This is why ulcer and gastritis sufferers should avoid consumption.

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What does the coffee contain?

Coffee contains vitamins B2, B3 and B5. It also provides manganese which plays a fundamental role in correct mental function. In coffee there is methylxanthine and some alkaloid substances such as 1,3 di-methylxanthine and 3,7 di-methylxanthine. Here is the summary of what coffee contains:

  • Fats 77%.
  • Protein 23%.
  • Carbohydrates 0%.
  • Caffeine 212 mg.
  • Calcium 2 mg.
  • Potassium 115 mg.

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