Home » Blue mocked, Udogie consoles himself by finishing among the best

Blue mocked, Udogie consoles himself by finishing among the best

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The Monza Grand Prix for the Under 21s turns into a mockery just a few meters from the finish line. Thus ends, with Sweden’s draw in full recovery, the fourth round of the Azzurri with the qualifications for the next European category, that of 2023, a goal for which the team of coach Paolo Nicolato is fully in the running, despite yesterday’s failure for Overtaking at the top in Group F a few moments, even if it could really be an appointment postponed by the calendar that caused Italy to play one race less and that in the next November stop will only play another one, at Ireland’s home of the North, unlike the Swedes who will therefore try to make as much loot as possible.

This is why yesterday’s result is not a desperation, but it tastes like a joke, because it allows the Scandinavians to stay at +1 and why the Azzurrini really have to bite their hands for having thrown a lot of goal chances to the wind too. after the advantage of the giant in Serie B, that Lorenzo Lucca, center forward of Pisa, who is becoming the object of desire for many clubs in the “upper floor” and who is also gaining momentum in the Under 21, albeit with mistakes and breaks . Or “slow” departures like yesterday’s.

A departure that yesterday saw the blocks once again Destiny Udogie, 18 years old until November 28, but again in the starting eleven and again among the most positive, a sign that the coach Nicolato is aiming at Juventus, so much so as to prefer him to the Roma player Calafiori – another talent born in 2002 – for the role of left winger. Warder of a “4” defense, an apprenticeship that certainly does not displease Luca Gotti who in the sessions at Bruseschi in this break also worked on 4-2-3-1. Without Udogie. –

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