Home » Viqueria towards the derby “Recover in the standings”

Viqueria towards the derby “Recover in the standings”

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The meager tally of a point collected in the first four league games cannot satisfy the Viqueria (Second category), but in the Vogherese club there is an atmosphere of confidence in the potential of the team, expected tomorrow from Parisi’s match with Rivanazzanese. «The classification is lacking, but the performances have always been good. We have always been masters of the field and we have always taken the lead, then we suffer the anxiety of the result, which leads us to commit some naivety. It is a psychological aspect that we are working on, but I have not the slightest doubt about the value of my boys », declares the Viqueria technician Marco Cremonesi. The team is ready for tomorrow’s home match against Rivanazzanese: «We meet a healthy team with an important staff, but our attitude will not change». –

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