Home » Whirlpool Naples, workers protest in Rome in front of the Mise: new meeting on Monday 25

Whirlpool Naples, workers protest in Rome in front of the Mise: new meeting on Monday 25

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The table at Mise on the Whirlpool dispute was updated on 25 October. It is learned from sources. On that date, ministers Giorgetti and Orlando will also be present, as requested by the unions, and the sentence of the Court on layoffs in Naples will be known.

In today’s meeting, according to what has been learned, the unions asked for an account of the support provision for Whirlpool workers that Minister Giorgetti had spoken to remotely at the last table.

Wednesday 20 garrison in the Region

Presidium of workers of Whirlpool tomorrow, Wednesday 20 October, at 10:00 in front of the headquarters of the Campania Region, in Palazzo Santa Lucia, in conjunction with the convocation of the territorial secretariats of Fim, Fiom and Uilm to discuss the dispute that involves the Naples plant. This was announced in a note by the secretariats of Fim, Fiom and Uilm Napoli.


With a march in Rome, today was another day of waiting for the workers. Today a meeting has been called with ministers Giorgetti and Orlando for the most difficult transition, the ferrying of workers from the multinational to the consortium for sustainable mobility being set up. In recent days, the tension has risen, Whirlpool confirmed the 320 layoffs but froze them until Friday, when the court will rule on the appeal filed by fiom, fim and Uilm for anti-union conduct of the multinational. Workers are still hoping for the government’s hard fist to protect their jobs in the factory.

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“Today we expect the ministers to present us the extraordinary measure they have announced to ferry the workers to the consortium. We expect seriousness” said Barbara Tibaldi, National Secretary of Fiom CGIL.

The note from the trade unions

“The unitary coordination of October 18, 2021, in light of the irresponsible choice of the management not to extend the dismissal procedure necessary to favor the re-employment of colleagues at the Naples site, unanimously decides to undertake the following initiatives: convene meetings at each site in order to update all workers on the state of the dispute and denounce the company’s lack of willingness to support an industrialization project that has real potential for continuity of employment for all 340 employees; plan strike action in each plant; call the Group Event in Varese on 29 October supported by an 8-hour strike “. Thus Fiom, Fim and Uilm, who continue: “The coordination supports the national secretariats and the territorial secretariats of Naples in maintaining the discussion table with the Ministry of Economic Development and Labor. It is necessary to know the industrial plan in detail as soon as possible of the Sustainable Mobility Hub project presented on 6 August and to see the Government’s commitment to establish the Consortium by 15 December confirmed “.


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