Home Ā» To sweeten pills and medicines there would be these natural aids that we often don’t think about

To sweeten pills and medicines there would be these natural aids that we often don’t think about

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“Just a little sugar and the pill goes down”, sang Mary Poppins in the famous film of the ’60s. And, indeed, the time comes when the battles with our children will begin to swallow pills and pills. With the first cold of the year, here are colds and sore throats and the hunt for the medicine that can be good for our children in the shortest possible time. But we don’t think that taking a particularly bitter pill or syrup will only bother the little ones. Even grown-ups are not particularly fond of certain truly bitter-tasting medicines. Here then is that to sweeten pills and medicines there would be these natural aids that we often do not think about. Our grandmothers teach that they could still be a valuable help today.

What are the grandmother’s remedies to swallow them

The first and very simple remedy that our grandmothers used to swallow pills and medicines was the classic piece of bread. Specifically, they wrapped in the crumb the tablet to be taken for the need. Even today this system is also used in veterinary medicine, to give medicine to our four-legged friends. The stuffed morsel, perhaps even in a piece of focaccia or in a piece of pizza, could really be the simplest way to take a tablet.

To sweeten pills and medicines there would be these natural aids that we often don’t think about

According to what our grandmothers did, in case it is difficult to get our children to ingest the capsule, we could also use these systems:

  • combine the tablet with soft and pleasant foods for our children, such as ice cream and yogurt. However, making sure that the drug in question is to be taken during or close to meals, as your doctor may recommend;
  • crumble the tablet and administer it pulverized, but always asking for medical advice or at least your trusted pharmacist.
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Let’s not forget, as our treating doctors might suggest, that there are medicines that contain the same active ingredient and are available in a soluble version. In this case, by combining them with water, they could help in taking the medicine. In any case, it is always essential to stick to 2 primary actions:

  • follow the prescriptions of the pediatrician;
  • read the package leaflet of the drug carefully.


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(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the advice of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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