Home » Few people know that the amazing benefits of this autumn fruit for diabetes and Alzheimer’s may lie above all in the peel.

Few people know that the amazing benefits of this autumn fruit for diabetes and Alzheimer’s may lie above all in the peel.

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The pomegranate is a typical fruit of this season, apparently difficult to consume due to its tough skin. But just remove it to get to its juicy ruby ​​red seeds, known as arils. These are invaluable because their health benefits are innumerable. For example, pomegranate and its juice can help improve blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels (Zarfeshany A et al, 2014). The same can be said of the peel of the pomegranate, often mistakenly discarded because it is considered inedible. Yet the peel offers many benefits, as it makes up about 50% of the whole fruit and contains more antioxidants than the juice itself. Let’s see better which ones and, above all, how to consume this precious peel.

Few people know that the amazing benefits of this autumn fruit for diabetes and Alzheimer’s may lie above all in the peel.

Pomegranate peel can help treat some skin conditions because it is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols. Thanks to a study (Kanlayavattanakul M et al, 2000) have been shown to be beneficial in treating hyperpigmentation, which involves dark spots on the skin.

In addition, pomegranate peel can reduce risk factors for chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes (Banihani S et al, 2014). This is thanks to a key mechanism, namely the reduction of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation.

Oxidative stress itself is a contributing factor to age-related hearing loss and plays a role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Since, as we said, pomegranate peel is rich in antioxidants it can help prevent hearing loss (Liu S et al, 2017) and could also help improve the quality of life in those with Alzheimer’s (Subash S et al, 2015).

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How to use pomegranate peel?

So let’s see how to use this precious resource and avoid wasting it.

First of all we separate the peel of the pomegranate from the inner fruit. Let’s put it near a window with direct sunlight for 2 or 3 days, or until it is completely dry. We grind the peel until a fine powder is obtained, which we can store at room temperature in an airtight container.

Thinking of its many benefits, mentioned at the beginning of this article, we could use the powder to create a face mask for example. We simply mix the powder with water until we obtain a soft paste with the desired consistency. Alternatively, we could filter it and enjoy it as a hot herbal tea.


Pomegranate peels are often discarded and considered inedible. This is because few know that the amazing benefits of this autumn fruit for diabetes and Alzheimer’s may lie mainly in the peel. Yet the benefits, as we have seen, are innumerable and this thanks to their strong antioxidant properties. Studies have found so far only positive effects in the use of pomegranate peel and no negative effects. But with many studies currently being conducted only on animals, more research is needed.

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the advice of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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