Home Ā» Not just running but also these light activities to lose weight and tone up after 40

Not just running but also these light activities to lose weight and tone up after 40

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We have often promised ourselves to do more physical activity. We know it is a habit that is good for your figure, health and mood. Despite this, we continue to postpone or do not do enough, thanks to many commitments and tiredness at the end of the day. Yet, after a certain age, it can no longer be postponed. Also because we can choose not only running but also these light activities to lose weight and tone up after 40.

Because it is essential to exercise after a certain age

Unfortunately, it is not our impression. After the age of 40, most women begin to notice an accumulation of fat even where it was not there before, particularly around the waist. It also seems that we gain weight more easily and lose weight with more difficulty. All of this is a consequence of the normal aging process, but with a healthy diet and physical activity we can slow it down for years.

As they say, we can not only add years to our life, but also life to our years. This means that doing physical activity allows us to have a healthier body and therefore a better lifestyle. In fact, we shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking that waistline only has aesthetic consequences. On the contrary, it seems that a waistline beyond these limits would increase the risk of high cholesterol and cancer.

Not only that, but a healthy lifestyle could help prevent other diseases such as cardiovascular, diabetes and hypertension. It would also allow us to counteract the loss of bone mass, which sometimes leads to osteoporosis. In fact, the muscles can delay this process by also strengthening the body in case of falls.

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In short, the advantages are so many and very important. So let’s see how to integrate physical activity into our life without necessarily imposing running on us.

Not just running but also these light activities to lose weight and tone up after 40

Running is generally recommended because it is an effective cardio activity. However, the same can be said of many others, such as walking. This can be done in different ways, also according to our training phase. If we are just starting out, we can simply start by walking 20 minutes a day. Or, we can use the bicycle to move around. Moving forward we can opt for a more sustained or alternating pace to the slow run.

Other activities that can give great benefits after 40 are swimming, dancing, yoga and Nordic Walking. The latter refers to walking, generally in nature, with the help of sticks.

We should add muscle exercises to this activity. These are essential for giving muscle strength and effectively supporting body and bones even as we age. It is best to start by considering your body weight, doing exercises like squats and abs. When we are more trained, we could increase the load by adding some light weight. In short, it would seem this is the only way to lose weight after 40.

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