Home » Without vaccine, 80% of Covid patients in regional hospitals are 6 out of 7 in intensive care

Without vaccine, 80% of Covid patients in regional hospitals are 6 out of 7 in intensive care

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UDINE. Vaccines work, they allow in the vast majority of cases not to be hospitalized and, very often, also to avoid contagion.

This is certified by the numbers, the statistics of the main Italian and world scientific and medical bodies and – in our small way – also the data of Friuli Venezia Giulia where almost all the people who end up, due to Covid, in hospital wards are not vaccinated. Furthermore, those covered by the double dose are practically never serious.

The figures of the Department of Health, going into the details of the numbers, in fact explain how yesterday a total of 57 people were hospitalized due to the coronavirus of which 80% had not been vaccinated. Even clearer, therefore, is the figure in intensive care where of the seven people welcomed yesterday, six – therefore over 85% – had not received even a dose of vaccine. A trend, among other things, which has remained so throughout the last period, so much so that even when, very recently, there were ten hospitalized in the emergency wards, there was always only one vaccine.

There is more in any case, because as explained by Carlo Tascini, director of the Infectious Diseases clinic at the Udine hospital, hospitalized vaccinated people are almost never serious. “In recent months, the unvaccinated – he says – have always represented between 70% and 80% of patients. On the other hand, among those who completed the vaccination cycle there were often people hospitalized for other interventions and who, upon entering the hospital, discovered, through a swab, to be positive, or patients almost never serious. Those who have had serious problems are almost always very old and often suffering from multiple pathologies ».

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This situation is also confirmed by yesterday’s pandemic data when out of 138 new coronavirus cases in Friuli Venezia Giulia only 35 – equal to 25% of the total – were related to unvaccinated. A little less than 140 overall cases, therefore, which compared to 21,000 688 total swabs carried out in 24 hours draw an average positivity rate of 0.63%. Furthermore, yesterday there were no deaths, the number of people hospitalized in intensive care rose to seven – as mentioned and up by one unit, while the number of hospitalized patients in other areas dropped to 50 – down by four. departments.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, in any case, a total of 115,000 400 people have been positive in Friuli Venezia Giulia (the total of positive cases was reduced by two units following two positive tests removed after the review of the cases relating to the province of Udine) with the following territorial subdivision: 23 thousand 970 in Trieste, 52 thousand 882 in Udine, 23 thousand 114 in Pordenone, 13 thousand 824 in Gorizia and one thousand 610 residents outside the region.

As far as the regional health system is concerned, the positive results of a therapist from the Giuliano Isontina university health agency and a social health worker from the Friuli Centrale university health authority were detected. RelativelyFinally, there were no cases in the residential structures for the elderly in the region, neither among the operators nor among the guests.


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