Home » Wang Xiao: Global crude oil maintains a tight balance and continues to support oil prices

Wang Xiao: Global crude oil maintains a tight balance and continues to support oil prices

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CBN 2021-11-02 12:26:41

Editor in charge: Hao Yunying

The global recovery cycle is superimposed on “carbon neutrality”. Is it still difficult to change the trend of energy shortages and soaring prices in the short term? What range of energy prices are expected to maintain? Today’s market vertical line invites Wang Xiao, assistant to the director of Guotai Junan Futures Research Institute and director of crude oil research, to interpret it for you.

Wang Xiao: Global crude oil maintains a tight balance and continues to support oil prices

The global recovery cycle is superimposed on “carbon neutrality”. Is it still difficult to change the trend of energy shortages and soaring prices in the short term? What range of energy prices are expected to maintain? Today’s market vertical line invites Wang Xiao, assistant to the director of Guotai Junan Futures Research Institute and director of crude oil research, to interpret it for you.

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