Home » Covid, over 12,000 patients treated with monoclonal drugs

Covid, over 12,000 patients treated with monoclonal drugs

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So far there have been 12,704 Covid patients in Italy treated with monoclonal antibodies, drugs intended for subjects at risk of progression to severe Covid-19 but with recent onset of the disease. In the last week, in particular, there were 720 prescription requests, up by about 30% compared to 554 in the previous week.

Pills and subcutaneous monoclonal antibodies: more and more treatments against Covid

by Irma D’Aria

This is what emerges from the weekly monitoring report carried out by the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa) for the period from 22 to 28 October.

Covid drugs: Monoclonals against variants

by Letizia Gabaglio

Monoclonal antibodies are drugs that require day hospital administration and to date 203 structures in 21 Regions or Autonomous Provinces have prescribed them.

Since the start of monitoring, the region that has treated the most patients with these therapies is Veneto, with 2,154, followed by Lazio with 1,771 and Tuscany with 1,686. All the other regions are below 1,000 and in the last places there are Molise and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, respectively at 18 and 3.

Covid, the antibody cocktail that curbs the disease

by Donatella Zorzetto

The majority of treated patients (7,239) received the combination of casirivimab-imdevimab, followed by the mix bamlanivimab and etesevimab (4,642), of bamlanivimab alone (823, now no longer available as monotherapy). The latest authorized, sotrovimab, is not yet available.

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