Home » If our nails have this aspect, be careful because it could be a symptom of respiratory system diseases

If our nails have this aspect, be careful because it could be a symptom of respiratory system diseases

by admin

The appearance and shape of the nails, for many of us, is paramount. In fact, many tend to take care of this part of the body assiduously. And mostly it is done for a matter of shape and appearance. The manicures, gels, semi-permanent and nail polishes are all moments that we cut out precisely for the appearance of our hands and to try to make our nails always perfect and enviable. And in this there is nothing wrong, quite the contrary. But we should perhaps begin to look a little beyond the simple appearance of our nails, focusing rather on some elements that surely could suggest something to us about our state of health.

If our nails have this aspect, be careful because it could be a symptom of respiratory system diseases

If we pause for a moment to reflect, we can easily see that each person has a different nail. In fact, there are those who have longer, some shorter, some crushed, some raised, some strong and resistant and others weak and weak. But instead of just looking at the appearance, let’s try to go a little further. In fact, perhaps not everyone knows, but the appearance and shape of the nails can reveal a lot about our state of health. In fact, this area of ​​the body, specifically, takes on a certain aspect to warn us that there could be a problem coming that we may not yet suspect.

A very particular shape is that of the watch slide which could indicate a hidden pathology

We had already talked about this particular shape of the nail in the past. In fact, in this previous article of ours, we explain some hidden meanings that watch-glass-shaped nails could have. Among these, just to give a few examples, we find bowel or liver problems. But that’s not all. This strange shape, in fact, could also indicate another unpleasant situation to which we should give consideration. We are talking about pathologies of the respiratory system, just as Humanitas explains. So, let’s take a good look at our hands. If our nails have this aspect, be careful because it could be a symptom of respiratory system diseases. Even if we should notice this fateful shape to the watch glass, however, let’s not be alarmed immediately. Rather, having this valuable information, let’s talk to our trusted doctor immediately. With a visit, he will surely be able to explain to us what situation we are in and will be able to tell us exactly what we need to do without any kind of doubt.

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Your nails will look perfect without the need for polish or expensive products with this amazing secret

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the advice of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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