Home » The excellences of Belluno meet the public: “San Matteo” makes a bang

The excellences of Belluno meet the public: “San Matteo” makes a bang

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After three years, the showcase of the agri-food sector is back after three years, with a bath of crowds. Cheeses, honey, wine and many products of the earth in the stands along Campogiorgio

/ feltre

A fair that speaks of land, flavors, smells and fragrances, of producers who welcome customers with the smile of someone who has finally managed to leave. For real. Starting again like the Fiera di San Matteo, back four years later more beautiful and stronger than before. It is difficult to give precise numbers on attendance, but the influx was constant from morning until dusk. Especially Feltre and neighboring municipalities in the morning, more people from outside in the afternoon. Some exhibitors ran out of one or more products during the day. It’s better that way. What is over is not brought home. Many people along Campogiorgio, but also many bags full of purchased products, of those excellences that have once again demonstrated that they have a privileged showcase at the San Matteo Fair, helped, useless to hide it, by a splendid day.

Alpine huts and cheeses are the protagonists

There are several present together with other farms that focus on organic production. And people appreciate: taste, evaluate and buy. Fifth Marchetti of the San Damiano in Valmorel agricultural cooperative is satisfied: «We only process organic milk for our products. Our philosophy is based on the well-being of the animal and respect for the territory. It is our presence in San Matteo and I must say that there is really a lot of it. It is a nice showcase to let us know ».

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Also Silvia Zatta she is super busy in the stand where she proposes cheeses from Malga Maeda sul Grappa, Malga Vette Feltrine at two thousand meters and Casere dei Boschi, where the farm is located: «The most popular is the May cheese, the most seasoned. Then Borlach and Vette Feltrine are also strong. Here in San Matteo we also offer recently produced cured meats. Very positive day ».

from the alpago with love

At the top of Campogiorgio there is a small treasure chest of flavors: that of the Le Mammole agricultural company and behind an inviting counter made of biscuits, breadsticks, crackers and jams there is Sara Zanellato. «We grow wheat, apples and berries in Alpago. All without any treatment. In addition, we have a small processing workshop that we need to produce the products we sell today ».

The opening of the business took place in October 2019, a few months before the chaos of the pandemic broke out: «It was not easy to leave and sometimes it is not easy to make people understand what we do. But we like our work and we are growing little by little. I must say that this fair is really beautiful, well organized, in a splendid context ».

felt pads doc

Meat, sausages and poultry are well represented in San Matteo. Valerio Piccolo and Kim Tommasini, owners of the butcher’s shop in via Bass, tour the fairs offering their specialties, including the sopressa with the addition of Lamon sheep meat: “Our long-standing customers come to the butcher’s shop, who know us”, he says. Kim Tommasini, «Here instead comes a completely different clientele, looking for specialties and flavors that they cannot usually taste. They are people who want to take home some local excellence. We have really worked well.

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Not far Nicoletta Bortolin of the agricultural company El Puner in Anzù is serving a customer: «We sold a lot», she says satisfied, «this morning we saw mainly Feltre people, while in the afternoon we saw more people from outside. We have been in business for eight years now and people know us. We took another step forward with the gastronomy section, in which we offer our meats already prepared for consumption ».

wine cannot be missing

For some years the province has been rediscovering itself as a land of quality wines. The Alpago wine growers consortium is an example of how a passion can bring people together: «We are about ten members», explains Attilio Tona, «All hobbyists and we produce around 3,500 bottles in total using resistant vines. I can say that we also go beyond organic because our two white wines are not treated even with natural products ».

The Coste del Feltrino Consortium is represented by four wineries: «For us», says the president Marco De Bacco, «being at the Fiera di San Matteo means normality. After all that has happened, we can find our customers again ». –

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