Home » At breakfast with Malvaldi: 12 events for the summer with “Literary nursery”

At breakfast with Malvaldi: 12 events for the summer with “Literary nursery”

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The writer Marco Malvaldi

Among the guests of Villa Alpago in Frontin the writer Recami, the publisher Laterza and the journalist Caracciolo. Two meetings will take place in Feltre

BORGO VALBELLUNA. Twelve appointments, over six months, four three-day retreats, the others are single meetings, with two episodes outside Frontin, at Villa San Liberale in Cart and Villa Guarnieri in Tomo. Here is a summary of the literary nursery program, which has as its subtitle “We cultivate authors and readers”.

It starts on 4 June with the first retreat entitled “Let’s kill pasta. History in the kitchen ”. They will be protagonists Alexander March the Great, the Longaronese Samanta Cornaviera and the cook Francesco Paulon. Marzo Magno is a journalist and writer. One of his best-known books is “The genius of taste, how Italian food has conquered the world”. Among other things, Samanta Cornaviera founded a cooking blog, “Modern Housewives”. Paulon is the cook of the retreat.

The next day, June 5th, in the morning and in the afternoon a literary gastro trip, reflections and culinary breaks and in the evening a show cooking. On Sunday morning, after breakfast, recipes and thoughts, before breaking up the company at noon. The other retreats are also based on this style. On 18, 19 and 20 June here is the one of yoga with Laura Stefani, entitled “Mens sana in corpore sano”.

The journalist and writer Alessandra Viola will be the protagonist on Saturday 3 July, in collaboration with Naturalpina, a Belluno family farm that grows aromatic herbs. The title of the event is “Plant it! Towards a vegetable ethic ”. Cookbooks for the meeting of 17 July “Heart and sweetbreads. Recipes for a happily imperfect life ”with the journalist Elena Dall’Orso and film producer and writer Francesco Nicchiarelli.

Venice is at the center of the meeting on July 24, with Pieralvise Zorzi, a great popularizer of the history of his city. Vivaio goes away, in this case, to Villa Guarnieri in Feltre. And so we arrive at the last weekend of July, 30 and 31 and the first of August. In Frontin there will be the writer Francesco Recami who with Sellerio has published the series “La railhiera”, eight titles so far. In this case it is a three day retreat, with the delicacies in the kitchen of Francesco Paulon.

After the writer, here is the publisher. Giuseppe Laterza, president of the publishing house and promoter of highly successful events such as the Trento Economy Festival, will be in Frontin on 7 August to talk about the job of the publisher. On 21 August we go to villa San Liberale di Cart with Gianni Biondillo, writer and architect, author of Lessico Metropolitano, a very recent book. His meeting has the captivating title of “Urban Seduction Handbook”.

One of the flagships of Vivaio literario is the appointment of 28 August with Marco Malvaldi, author of the noir series that has as its protagonists the terrible Tuscan old men of the BarLume, which has also become a TV series. The day with Malvaldi, a Saturday, includes breakfast and reflections conducted by the writer.

The journalist Lucio Caracciolo

September has a single appointment, also of great importance, on the 25th of the month. The breakfast at the nursery will have the journalist as its protagonist Lucio Caracciolo who will talk about the geopolitics of football, with the same program as the other one-day meetings, a breakfast and a morning of reflections until the midday toast.

Only one meeting also in October, on the 9th, where we will talk about vampires with Tommaso Braccini. Last withdrawal of the exhibition between 26 and 28 November. It is poetry as sharing the theme of Gianluca Favetto, while Francesco Paulon returns to the kitchen. On the rossodolomiti.it site you will find all the information on individual matches, places, cost and program.

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