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An agreement to break the isolation – La Stampa

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TURIN. It is a concrete possibility, but it is also a symbol. The hypothesis of including Turin in the organization of the 2026 Winter Olympics, as the venue for some competitions, can be useful not only for the subalpine capital, but can help Milan and Cortina to reduce the costs of plants that, otherwise, should be built from scratch. The 2006 Olympic legacy, on the other hand, could be exploited for existing installations and, perhaps, only to be restored.

The reopening of the Olympic dossier, one of the topics discussed yesterday in the first meeting between the new mayor and the Piedmontese president, Alberto Cirio, in addition to the mutual economic benefits, however, constitutes, for Stefano Lo Russo, a signal of wider value.

First of all, that of a rapid and drastic change of course with respect to the political orientations of the Appendino administration, precisely on the most sensational and contested renunciation of the grillina junta, that of participation in the 2026 Winter Olympics with Milan and Cortina. Alongside this move of discontinuity with the past, Lo Russo wants to indicate a way forward. The attempt to reconnect the institutional, economic and tourist-sporting collaboration with the other northern regions of Italy is linked to the draft agreement between the mayors of the North illustrated to the Press a week ago. An ambitious plan, but which starts from the awareness of what harms Turin, and Piedmont, a location of isolation from the heart of the Po Valley, centered on Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia.

The Turin connection to the last wagon of the Milan-Cortina Olympic train, if the times and the will of the regional presidents, Fontana and Zaia, allow it, could be the prelude to a much more important agreement on the environment, economy, transport. To achieve complete integration, perhaps even with Genoa and its port, in one of the most important development centers in the whole of Europe.

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Beyond this plan, there is a political signal, of a local nature, concerning the dialogue between the mayor of Turin and the president of Piedmont. Precisely in view of a winter Olympics, that of 2006, an agreement was made between the mayor Sergio Chiamparino, and the head of the regional council, Enzo Ghigo, who contributed to the success of that event and represented a model of institutional collaboration in other fields as well. , praised by all and, unfortunately, not imitated by all. The past of the relationship between center-left and center-right does not often arouse too much nostalgia, but sometimes it suggests some good ideas.

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