Home » 5 foods that protect us in the cold seasons

5 foods that protect us in the cold seasons

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The thermometer goes down and begins to discover the true face of the winter period. Here are 5 highly recommended foods.

(Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay)

Autumn has arrived and winter is almost upon us. The influence is already in the air and, invisible, continues to circulate. To cope with the drop in temperatures it is good to choose one healthy and balanced diet based on pro-thermogenesis foods, that is, that they stimulate the production of heat within our body. The remedy? It exists and, as always, it is ready on the table. Let’s discover together 5 foods to eat frequently in the colder seasons.

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Winter is coming: 5 foods to eat frequently

meat pasta
(Image by RitaE from Pixabay)

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  • vegetable soups: consuming soups is, without offense to the little ones, the best way to warm and hydrate the body. Beware, there is soup and soup: experts recommend those based on vegetables.
  • dried fruit: dried fruit, especially raisins, apricots or plums, is a valid dietary habit when it’s cold outside. Rich source of minerals, dried fruit is also excellent for protecting you from colds. The appeal also includes oil seeds, such as almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts, rich in omega 3.
  • dishes that are a source of complex carbohydrates and proteins: excellent energy mix for our body during the cold seasons, the dishes source of complex carbohydrates and proteins help regulate body temperature. Pasta, rice, lentils, chickpeas and potatoes combined with meat or fish allow you to compose in a short time real recipes-panacea ideal for preventing diseases typical of the coldest period of the year.
  • raw fruit and vegetables in quantity: fruit and vegetables should never be absent on our tables, not even in winter. Experts recommend citrus, kiwi or even cabbage salads to fill up with vitamin C every day, essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. The number one enemy of free radicals, vitamin C helps the body prevent the risk of cancer.
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Coffee among the best remedies (Pixabay)
  • tea and coffee in moderation: two excellent liquid alternatives to activate thermogenesis, the production of heat in the body. Be careful not to overdo the quantities: the abuse of these two drinks can significantly increase the level of stress hormones.
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