Home » No Green Pass, parades and demonstrations in the square prohibited

No Green Pass, parades and demonstrations in the square prohibited

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ROME. Yet another Saturday of No Green Pass protests is upon us, the sixteenth in the series. An appointment that has become more and more ritual, but which however blocks the historic centers, creates inconvenience to traffic, prevents shopping, forces many shopkeepers to pull down the shutters. Hence the increasingly lively protest of Confcommercio. “Unauthorized processions – the president Carlo Sangalli vented – make you lose about 30% of turnover”. The solution of the Ministry of the Interior, pending a more articulated circular, in the meantime passes through the decisions of the prefects, city by city. And the results are already visible: sit-ins are no longer accepted in the center. “Continuing like this every weekend, with cities in trouble is not very respectful of the law,” warns Undersecretary of the Interior Carlo Sibilia, M5S.

The example that sets the standard is that of Trieste. Until December 31, the events will not be held in the central Piazza Unità. The new prefect Annunziato Vardè warns: «It is necessary to safeguard sensitive objectives and institutional sites. The hope is that those who intend to demonstrate understand that it is necessary to stop in the interest of the community and of oneself, for the danger for oneself and for all the others. They cannot expect to obtain consensus from these demonstrations ».

Also in Milan, last Saturday the prefecture indicated a series of squares and streets as off-limits. The result was that a march was held, but when it attempted to evade the agreed route, the police prevented it. The event ended without damage, with a check on the participants. And now, as a backlash, in order not to have legal problems with what will happen from this Saturday onwards, the No Green Pass Committee that had dealt with the Milanese police headquarters has dissolved. “It has become impossible – they write very angry – to sit at the negotiating table with those who have locked up hundreds of peaceful demonstrators in a street and treated them worse than criminals, forcing them to show their documents”.

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Clearly this move casts a shadow on upcoming initiatives: will the No Green Passes not recognize any prohibition and will they want to demonstrate where they say? There is a risk of a hot Saturday in Milan and beyond. And one of the leaders of the protest, the actor Enrico Montesano, throws it into sarcasm: “I believe that from now on we will make vehement protests by knitting and crocheting in front of Palazzo Chigi”.

Meanwhile, in Trento it is announced that every event must be kept out of the historic center, as in Rome the indication is to concentrate on the Circus Maximus, very far from shopping and politics. This is in fact the indication of the ministry: free to demonstrate, but without prejudice to the freedoms of others. Judging by the applause comments, the Ligurian Governor Giovanni Toti, the Ligurian Governor Giovanni Toti, are with Luciana Lamorgese parliamentarians of Forza Italia (Maurizio Gasparri and Licia Ronzulli), of the Democratic Party (Debora Serracchiani), and of Italia Viva. Finally, many mayors, of every color, from North to South make themselves heard, first of all solicited by the merchants of their cities. One above all, the new mayor of Turin, Stefano Lo Russo: «The legitimate right to demonstrate – he says – cannot repeatedly violate the rights of others, damage economic activities and, even more serious, frustrate everyone’s sacrifices. A decision has been taken that accepts the requests of many mayors ».

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