Home » The third dose for over 40s will start from 1 December

The third dose for over 40s will start from 1 December

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Important step forward in the fight against Covid thanks to the third dose of vaccine. From December 1st, those between 40 and 60 years of age will also be able to obtain it.

This was announced by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, who also specified: «The third dose is absolutely strategic for the vaccination campaign: 83.7% of people have completed the vaccination cycle. The call to date has been offered at 2.4 million. We started with immunocompromised, frail, sanitary, over 60 and those who have had J&J who can have boosters after six months ». Obviously, as for the other categories, also for the 40-60 year old group the booster will be carried out six months after the conclusion of the primary vaccination cycle with two doses and an mRna vaccine will be used. Speranza also put forward the proposal to extend the vaccination obligation for health professionals also for the third dose. It will have to be discussed, meanwhile at the moment there are over 29 million Italians already fully vaccinated who will be able to undergo the third dose, in addition to the 2.4 million who have already done so. Currently, the average of third vaccinations is now over 100,000 per day, growing steadily since 18 September when they began.

It is not certain that the record of over 460,000 first doses will be reached in one day (as in early June), but in any case the expansion of the booster audience could lead to peaks of third vaccinations beyond the 350,000 quota. in 24 hours. Just as indicated last Friday by Commissioner Francesco Figliuolo for the period from December to February.

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In other words, at an average of 280-300 thousand third vaccinations per day, it would take about 100 days to complete the booster operation, reaching the end of February-early March. By the end of winter, therefore, the operation could be defined as completed. The risk of traffic jams also seems to have been avoided: the third doses will in fact be administered in relation to the date of completion of the first vaccination cycle, from which, as usual, at least 6 months must pass.

The news of the extension of the third dose to forty-year-olds arrives, however, on a day when the growth of infections inevitably alarms: yesterday they were 7,891 against 6,032 on Tuesday. Sixty victims (the day before yesterday were 68) and the positivity rate rose to 1.6%, almost double compared to 0.9% on Tuesday. –

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