Home Ā» If our hands start shaking when we are young, we should pay absolute attention to this dangerous wake-up call

If our hands start shaking when we are young, we should pay absolute attention to this dangerous wake-up call

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One of the classic signs that accompany our life in old age is the tremor of the hands. They are usually movement disorders that go along with age. The situation is quite different, however, if the tremor begins much earlier and above all becomes constant. If our hands start shaking when we are young, we should pay absolute attention to this dangerous wake-up call. It could in fact hide important neurological lesions or some other diseases and dysfunctions that we are going to see in this article.

Anxiety and depression could be two causes of tremor

It goes without saying that we live in an anxious and stressed society. But we don’t have to blame her for all the causes of our nervousness. Surely, as doctors always claim, one of the psychological causes of any tremors could be anxiety and depression. Be careful not to underestimate them, because as he said “they are two ugly beasts” that can harm all members of the family.

We may experience an anxiety tremor even at a young age. Indeed, according to the latest statistics, our kids show anxiety and stress more than once when they are under school exam. And with them, hand tremors and a generic sense of agitation up to the legs.

If our hands start shaking when we are young, we should pay absolute attention to this dangerous wake-up call

Unfortunately, in the analysis of hand tremors in younger people, we must also include addiction to drugs and alcohol. In fact, a typical senile disease such as Parkinson’s disease could hardly attack children. On the other hand, according to what medical statistics report, the most frequent causes of tremor of the young hands would be attributable to:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • genetic diseases;
  • drug and alcohol use, as mentioned above.
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Beware, however, that if the tremor persists even in middle-aged people, it is good to contact your doctor immediately. Not only stress and anxiety, but also hyperthyroidism, too high blood sugar and kidney disease could be the cause.

Beware of bad habits of middle age

They say that every age has its beauty and that the one in between is that of wisdom. However, as reported in this international study, the age group ranging from 40 to 60 years would seem particularly exposed to stress. We have seen so far what are the possible causes of hand tremors in younger groups. Beware, however, that according to experts: stress, smoking, excess alcohol and incorrect nutrition would lead to certain semi-permanent states of anxiety. With related tremors not only in the hands, but also in many other parts of the body. This is why, once again, following the advice of doctors, it is better to lead an active, peaceful life enriched by a healthy and balanced diet.


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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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