Home » Here is the bread with superlievites that are good for the microbiota

Here is the bread with superlievites that are good for the microbiota

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Let’s call them ‘super-yeasts’, tested in the production of bread with strong nutritional properties and excellent candidates for the creation of foods and drinks based on fermented cereals with similar health attributes. Which? An anti-inflammatory and probiotic action in the intestine, thanks to the production of good acids and an enzyme that our body does not produce on its own, but is able to increase the absorption of some mineral salts, such as iron and zinc.

Special flours

A group of scientists from the agro-food and medical area of ​​the University of Pisa selected them from hundreds of strains, who studied their activity inside the doughs. This year the results of their analyzes were published in the scientific journal Foods, but already last year, come on Scientific Reports of the Nature group, had documented the selection of numerous yeasts and special flours. Of the sample, in this work two stand out in particular. “They belong to the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the so-called brewer’s yeast – he explains Monica Agnolucci, author of the research and associate professor of agricultural microbiology at the University of Pisa. – So in addition to having excellent nutritional properties, they are also very suitable for bread making due to their high leavening capacity “.

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Given that refined baked products (with white flours) are less healthy and a source of annoyance for the most sensitive, these yeasts are a valid alternative. “The strains we studied are capable of producing large quantities of organic acids, in particular linoleic and propionic, compounds capable of regulating the synthesis of fats and cholesterol in the liver, as well as anti-inflammatory – continues the researcher. – Not all yeasts are there. above all they produce not all yeasts suitable for bread making, which is why they are special “.

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The journey to the intestine

But their skills don’t end there. “The even more interesting detail is that they can overcome the barrier of gastric juices and bile salts, arriving alive and active in the intestine”, underlines Agnolucci. “They also produce an enzyme (phytase) that our body is unable to produce independently and that increases the absorption of some mineral elements, including zinc and iron, which we generally assimilate little from cereal derivatives such as bread because they are sequestered by other compounds called phytates contained in flour “.

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Iron and zinc

The increase in the absorption of iron and zinc could be particularly useful for those who risk a deficit of these minerals, for example those who follow vegetarian or vegan diets. The bioavailability of the two minerals, in fact, is very high in foods of animal origin, such as meat, fish, dairy products. Therefore, those who exclude steaks, cheeses and seafood products from the table, may not assimilate enough iron and zinc from plant-based dishes. “Since humans are unable to produce the phytase enzyme – confirms and concludes the expert – our strains can be used effectively to counter and solve mineral deficiencies”.

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