Home » How many chestnuts to eat for memory, Alzheimer’s, high cholesterol and high blood sugar? Incredible

How many chestnuts to eat for memory, Alzheimer’s, high cholesterol and high blood sugar? Incredible

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The ideal portion is 40 grams per day which corresponds to 5-6 pieces. They should be consumed a maximum of three times a week, decreasing the consumption of bread, pasta and cereals during the day.

Are chestnuts good for memory?

They contain important mineral salts, including phosphorus. This substance is able to enhance attention and memory. This is why they are useful foods for the nervous system and for its active maintenance. Phosphorus also plays a role in how the body processes carbohydrates or sugars. It also contributes to bodily functions involving the nervous system, kidney function, muscle contraction and heart rate regulation.

Do chestnuts fight Alzheimer’s?

They are not suitable for fighting Alzheimer’s. Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables are rich in B vitamins and carotenoids. These substances have the ability to reduce the levels of homocysteine, an amino acid linked to cognitive decline, brain atrophy and dementia. The advice is to skip the cruciferous vegetables in garlic and olive oil or sneak these superfoods into smoothies, soups, and dressings. Also good spices like sage, cumin and cinnamon which contain a lot of polyphenols.

Are chestnuts good for cholesterol?

They reduce cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar. They also reduce the risk of constipation and intestinal complications such as diverticulosis. Antioxidants and minerals such as magnesium and potassium help reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems, such as heart disease or stroke. Chestnuts are a good source of these nutrients and can help improve heart health. Chestnuts are a good source of antioxidants, even after cooking. They are rich in gallic acid and ellagic acid, two antioxidants that increase in concentration when cooked.

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Are chestnuts good for blood sugar?

Their fiber can help balance blood sugar. Eating high-fiber foods causes starches to be absorbed slowly. This helps avoid blood sugar spikes, which can be dangerous for people with diabetes. Chestnuts have a low glycemic index value of 54. Foods with a low glycemic index will not cause major changes in blood glucose levels when you eat them. Here are some benefits of chestnuts:

  • They fight anemia.
  • They help the intestines.
  • They offer energy.
  • They protect the skin.
  • They strengthen the bones.

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