Home » Maneuver, Draghi and Orlando meet the unions tomorrow at Palazzo Chigi

Maneuver, Draghi and Orlando meet the unions tomorrow at Palazzo Chigi

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Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Labor Minister Andrea Orlando will meet the trade unions tomorrow to take stock of the maneuver. The meeting, according to government sources, will be held at 17.30 at Palazzo Chigi.

Today the Premier met the delegation of Liberi e Uguali, composed of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, the group leaders of the Chamber and Senate Federico Fornaro and Loredana De Petris, and Vasco Errani, speaker in the Senate of the maneuver. With this meeting, Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s “consultations” on the maneuver come to an end.

Consultations that in many cases have given positive results, as recalled in a post on Facebook by the president of the senators of Italia Viva, Davide Faraone, who commented on the meeting that took place: “We met with Elena Bonetti and Maria Elena Boschi at Palazzo Chigi the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi. We are working on the budget law, a unique opportunity for the country. Reducing taxes, creating jobs, supporting families and then school, health and culture are the priorities. A year ago we were chatting, now we work seriously ».


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