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Menetti applauds the defense “What an emotional boost from the cheering Soko put himself at the service”

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Imbro reveals: “Caja’s teams always prefer physical play” Bortolani: “It’s good to start over with a win after the blue break”


“We knew we would have to play a very tough match, we didn’t expect anything different – these are the words used by coach Lost to start the post-match analysis – when we really started playing with determination and energy we took off in the scoring. We need to be more aware of the importance of attention on loose balls, on rebounds, on defensive intensity: all this gives us more confidence in attack. We were helped by the environment, a great deal of determination came from the public which gave us a nice emotional boost. Overall, it was a game in which everyone contributed. Even Sokolowski who, despite having difficulty with his protective mask, put himself at the service of the team, also playing as a 4 tactician ». Against an atypical center like Hopkins, Jones was more effective than Sims. «In reality it was a question of defense on pick’n’roll, on the other hand Hopkins is used to working more frontally than back to the basket: we let ourselves be found unprepared in the first defensive actions, then we adjusted. In the end we all rotated, what we rather lack is the constancy in always carrying out certain automatisms ».

The contribution of captain Imbrò was decisive: how much did you miss in the previous months? «We all know how important Matteo has been in the last four seasons of TvB. A two-month stop cannot be recovered in a week or a day, if anything it is a question of pace and confidence. And we have seen it again this time ». «We had worked hard during the week for the return of our teammates involved in the Fiba qualifiers – comments the Treviso captain – on the other hand it is known that Caja’s teams always prefer physical play. We managed to impose ourselves even with some difficult pitches, so on an emotional level we are satisfied. My performance? You will have noticed that I have more confidence, I no longer wear the brace, I perceive a better feeling with the game also thanks to my teammates and it is something that is built with the rhythm in training. On the other hand, I do not express my opinion on refereeing, I am a player, even the whistles can make mistakes ».

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«At the beginning it was not an easy match – adds Giordano Bortolani, whose bombs dug the furrow in the final – When we got back into the score we were good at knocking out the opponents. After the national break, starting over with a win is important. Basic quintet or bench? For me it is not fundamental ». Now test the advance on Saturday against Pesaro. «It will obviously be a very hard match, like all of them – is the final comment of the coach – The championship is very difficult and very tight. Rather, we must understand what can give us effectiveness against every opponent ». –

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