Home » How is Princess Charlene after her illness? The rare testimony of the parents

How is Princess Charlene after her illness? The rare testimony of the parents

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Parents of the princess Charlene of Monaco they provided a rare version of their daughter’s long struggles for her own health, which kept her out of the media spotlight for a long time and even unable to fulfill her real obligations.

After health complications forced the Zimbabwe-born princess to stay blocked in South Africa for a full ten months, the rumors of what was really going on began to intensify. A source told Page Six magazine that the 43-year-old royal would be “almost dead”Due to a severe ear, nose and throat infection after undergoing surgery.

“It is not fair that she is portrayed as having some kind of mental or emotional problem” – the source always said – “We do not know why the royal palace is minimizing the fact that she almost died in South Africa”.

Speaking, in fact, with the South African magazine YOU, the parents of the princess, Mike and Lynnette Wittstock, stated that their daughter’s health conditions were really critical and for this reason Charlene suffered a lot: “I was also afraid of being able to transmit any type of virus to her. He had undergone so many of those medical operations that he was very vulnerable, ”confessed his father.

However, he was also confident that his daughter would eventually recover: “My daughter swam up to 20km a day” – he said – “Based on the way she trained, I knew she was tough and would overcome everything this, coming out much stronger ”.

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Princess Charlene’s Mysterious Illness

Although it is clear that the princess’s health problems were serious, the origin of her illness remains uncertain. The official communication released by the royal palace in May 2021 confirmed that the princess was suffering from aENT infection (ear, nose, throat) contracted during a mission to South Africa for the protection of wildlife, which prohibited her from returning to Europe.

But then in November, after returning to Monaco, Charlene’s husband, Prince Albert, spoke to People magazine, explaining how his wife suffered from a severe exhaustion, both emotional and physical. “She was clearly exhausted, physically and emotionally. She was overwhelmed and could not face official duties, life in general or even family life, ”said Alberto.

He also dismissed any speculation that implied that his disappearance was the result of plastic surgery or facial cancer treatments. Covid-19 or also connected to a marital crisis between the two: “Obviously there have been consequences after her various surgeries and the operations she has undergone in recent months” – explained Prince Albert.

“This has certainly been one of the reasons why she has been absent all these months, but at this point I prefer not to comment further. I can say that he suffered from incredible fatigue “- he continued -” From a certain point on, he did not sleep well and did not eat well at all. She lost a lot of weight, which made her vulnerable to other potential ailments. A cold or the flu or God help us, Covid “.

Another statement from the palace from November 19 confirmed that the princess will continue to be away from her institutional commitments and not for a considerable period of time. Turning absent for an appearance scheduled for Munich’s National Day, an official statement said the former Olympic swimmer was recovering from a “state of profound general fatigue“.

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“Having battled with health problems for the past few months, the princess is currently in convalescence and will continue to do so for the next few weeks, ”it reads. “In order to protect the comfort and privacy, essential for her recovery, the position of the princess will remain strictly confidential.”

In Charlene’s absence, her six-year-old twin children – Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques – were seen holding signs saying “We miss you mom“And” We love you mom “.

Parents deny the rumors about the marital crisis

Initially, the disappearance of Princess Charlene from public life had inflamed rumors of a potential rupture between her and Prince Albert. But multiple sources have denied this gossip.

Their marriage was plagued by scandals, the prince’s alleged love affairs and illegitimate relationships, and Princess Charlene herself admitted to the Times that she feels very lonely in Monaco. But in the interview released in November, Prince Albert stressed to People that the prolonged absence of his wife “it has nothing to do with our relationship“.

“I want it to be very clear. These are not problems related to our relationship; not with the relationship between husband and wife. They are of a different nature, ”he explained. The princess’s sister-in-law, Chantell Wittstock, also has denied the rumors of the crisis between the two: “Albert loves and supports Charlene 100%” – he said, always speaking to You Magazine – “Their marriage is strong and they fully support each other”.

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