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Small universes of memory (Photos)

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Sonia Lenzi is a visual artist who lives between Bologna and London. In his works he seeks an interdisciplinary approach to explore memory, places, gender and mortality. In Take me to live with you he visited the homes of elderly people who, through memories and common objects, can transmit cultural, political and moral values ​​to the new generations.

“When I was a child I liked to build houses for play, where I can imagine living, and I have always loved entering the houses of others, not so much to see how people live their daily lives, but to try to understand them better and feel at my own once accepted, welcomed, and part of their life ”, says Lenzi. The project developed between 2015 and 2019, focusing on the lives of seven people, who thanks to their work and passion are fully part of the Italian collective memory: the singer-songwriter Francesco Guccini, the artist and partisan Mario Nanni , former parliamentarian and teacher Eugenio Riccomini, activists, feminists and artists Suzanne Santoro and Stephanie Oursler and magistrate Giancarlo Caselli.

Take me to live with you it became a book, published in December by Kehrer Verlag, accompanied by an essay by Roberta Valtorta, historian and critic of photography. It is also on display until January 2 at Blue Sky, the center for the photographic arts in Portland, Oregon, United States.


See also  Visits and workouts within the evenings and on Saturdays. Aim: +10%

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