Home » World Human Rights Japan and the United States comprehensive sanctions against the CCP (Photos) United States | Shang Tang | News US-China News Network-Overseas Chinese History Secrets and Current Events | Xiao Ran

World Human Rights Japan and the United States comprehensive sanctions against the CCP (Photos) United States | Shang Tang | News US-China News Network-Overseas Chinese History Secrets and Current Events | Xiao Ran

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On November 28, 2018, Liu Gang, vice president of SenseTime, a Chinese artificial intelligence company, participated in the Global Science and Technology Conference in Nansha, Guangzhou. (Image source: Dave Zhong/Getty Images for CNBC International)

[Watch China News on December 11, 2021](See Chinese reporter Xiao Ran Compilation/Comprehensive Report) December 10, WorldHuman Rights DayU.S. EmbassyIssued a statement criticizing the CCP’s human rights abuses. At the same time, the United StatesChinese Communist PartyWait for full implementationhuman rightsSanctions and willShang TangTechnology is blacklisted.

U.S. Embassy in China: Continue to be held accountable for the CCP’s violation of human rights

The Chargé d’affaires of the US Embassy in China, David Meale, stated in a statement that the US and its partners have a responsibility to promote accountability for the CCP’s violation of human rights. The United States is hosting a democracy summit to promote the promotion of human rights in many countries, resist authoritarianism, and fight corruption.

“If there is to be a genuine and dynamic democracy, its governance model must be able to guarantee the freedom of public debate and expression-even when expressing criticism of the government of the country, freedom of the press and the people through free and fair elections The right to express political will is vital to democracy,” the statement read.

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Midway continued: “On the Xinjiang issue, Secretary of State Blinken has confirmed that PRC has committed genocide and crimes against humanity… The United States reiterates its call to PRC to stop atrocities, release those who have been improperly detained, and allow Independent investigators traveled to the area unimpeded. We call on the PRC to allow Tibetan Buddhists to believe in their freedom of belief and stop infringing on their right to self-determination… We remain extremely concerned about the collapse of Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy under the National Security Law and its residents. Protected rights and freedoms continue to deteriorate.”

In a broader sense, the statement mentioned: “For Chinese citizens who exercise human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, PRC reportedly imprisoned, tortured, and made them disappear. In order to obscure facts and suppress freedom of the press. Journalists face personal and digital threats and harassment. As NGOs face greater restrictions on their operations and ability to receive support, the space for civil society is shrinking. Lawyers cannot perform their basic functions to defend citizens’ rights because they themselves Faced with intimidation from the police, the continued risk of being disqualified as a lawyer, and severe restrictions on speech. As clergy and believers are forced to comply with the strictest supervision and restrictions in history, religious freedom is deteriorating.”

The U.S. imposes comprehensive human rights sanctions on the CCP

According to “Reuters”, on Human Rights Day, the United States imposed human rights-related sanctions on 15 individuals and 10 entities in China, Myanmar, North Korea and other countries in accordance with the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act. Put Chinese artificial intelligence start-up company Shangtang Technology on the economic blacklist.

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The two Chinese under sanctions were Xuekelaiti, chairman of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR). Shohrat Zakir (Shohrat Zakir), and the current acting chairman of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Alken. Erken Tuniyaz (Erken Tuniyaz). During their tenure, more than 1 million members of ethnic minorities, mainly Uyghurs, were detained in Xinjiang. The Treasury Department press release stated that the U.S. State Department announced that it would impose visa restrictions on two people and prevent them from entering the United States.

The Ministry of Finance included the Chinese artificial intelligence company SenseTime on the list of “Chinese military enterprises” and prohibited Americans from investing. The Ministry of Finance believes that it has developed a facial recognition system that can determine the target race, especially for Uyghurs. “The abuse of technology by authoritarian states to infringe and suppress human rights, target members of racial and minority ethnic groups, manipulate information and spread false information… is threatening the safety of everyone,” the press release reads.

The Financial Times reported earlier that the decision to ban American investor Tang Technology may complicate the company’s initial public offering (IPO) plan in Hong Kong this month. “Beijing Shangtang Technology“, a subsidiary of Shangtang Group, was included in the US Department of Commerce’s Entity List in 2019.

The press release emphasized, “Our actions today, especially in cooperation with the United Kingdom and Canada, send a message that democracies around the world will take action against those who abuse state power to impose repression.”

Source: Look at China

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