Home » Romano: Casey rejects Milan’s 6.5 million Euro annual salary contract and wants 8-9 million_Euro_Renewal_Salary

Romano: Casey rejects Milan’s 6.5 million Euro annual salary contract and wants 8-9 million_Euro_Renewal_Salary

by admin

Original title: Romano: Casey refused Milan’s 6.5 million Euro annual salary contract and wanted 8-9 million

Romano: Casey refuses Milan’s 6.5 million Euro annual salary contract and wants 8-9 million

2021-12-11 18:31·

On December 11th, Beijing time, Sky Sports reporter Romano talked about the renewal of Milan player Casey.

Romano said: “Regarding Casey, I think his contract extension is a bit complicated. The Ivorian midfielder has very high requirements for an annual salary. Milan has provided him with an annual salary of 6.5 million euros, but the players refused. He wants After-tax salary of around 8 to 9 million euros.”

“I think if he finally leaves Milan in free, his salary requirement for the next family will definitely exceed 8 million euros. Manchester United, Tottenham and Paris are all waiting to see the deal.”Return to Sohu to see more


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