Home » Women’s Volleyball All-Star Game-Blue Team 3-2 Red Team Leads the Game, Li Yingying blasts 31 points to win the audience_Gong Xiangyu_Yuan Xinyue_Li Yao

Women’s Volleyball All-Star Game-Blue Team 3-2 Red Team Leads the Game, Li Yingying blasts 31 points to win the audience_Gong Xiangyu_Yuan Xinyue_Li Yao

by admin

Original title: Women’s Volleyball All-Star Game-Blue Team 3-2 Red Team Leads Li Yingying 31-point Champion

On December 11, Lang Ping’s former lover, Wang Ziling, enforced the first game of the 2021-2022 National Women’s Volleyball Super League All-Star Game. Cai Bin staged a peak duel in the Jiangmen Sports Center with King Baoquan in the air. In the end, the blue team fought for five rounds with 3 -2 narrowly defeated the red team to seize the opportunity, the anti-slinging ground was hit by Yang Hanyu’s probe funny, Li Yao’s offensive was praised by Gong Xiangyu and Zheng Yixin’s thumbs up; on the other hand, Li Yingying slammed 31 points for the championship but it was difficult to stop the red team from losing, Ding Xia Shen’s defensive footwork is a pity that Yao Di made an outrageous mistake.

Game 1 of the All-Star Game:

Red team 2-3 Blue team (23-25, 25-17, 27-29, 25-22, 13-15)

In the first game, Chen Peiyan was probed by Yang Hanyu but was attacked by Wang Yuanyuan. The red team used Chen Peiyan to go out of bounds and Gao Yi to play ingeniously, and used Gong Xiangyu to fire and Li Yao to fire 1-1 to score 4 points in a row. The outrageous mismatch between Ding Xia and Gao Yi was then approached 6-4 by Gong Xiangyu’s second two. The red team relied on Li Yingying’s second three but Zheng Yixin flew back to 9-6. Gong Xiangyu released the shot in the second and second stage, Yang Jie blocked a 5-9 consecutive chase for 5 points to overtake, the blue team was dunked and beaten by Li Yingying, and Yang Jie was blocked by Yang Hanyu and lost 3 points to 12-10 and Wang Yuanyuan flew back. .

Chen Peiyan adjusted the attack and Yang Jie jumped off the net to 14-14. The blue team relied on Li Yao’s defense but was short and flat, but was released by Duan to prevent Cai Bin from going out of bounds by scoring 3 points at 15-14 to force Cai Bin to suspend. It is a pity that Ding Xiashen’s defensive footwork was attacked by Zheng Yixin. The red team was sent to 17-17 by Gong Xiangyu because of Wang Mengjie. The blue team was joined by Sun Xiaoxuan and setter Cai Yaqian in 18-18, and Li Yingying repeatedly defended to 22-22. Wang Yifan served off the net as a substitute, and Gong Xiangyu crossed before defending and winning 25-23.

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In the second round of the women’s volleyball red team, No. 4 Du Qingqing replaced Chen Peiyan. After Duanfang, the second change was deducted and Du Qingqing defended against reverse. Li Yingying cleverly played 2-3 straight and scored 4 points to overtake. Gong Xiangyu’s back was tied and Li Yingying ran the impulse. Entering, high-intentioned, short-paced and fast to 9-4. After Cai Bin’s suspension, the blue team’s main attacker Wu Mengjie replaced Li Yao but was broken by Du Qingqing. Gong Xiangyu’s second second borrowed to go out of bounds, Yang Jieping opened up and defended against countermeasures. Jie blocked Li Yingying from three to 9-13.

Yuan Xinyue’s high point was a pity that Wang Yuanyuan retaliated for the fastball. The red team passed Duan Fang and Yuan Xinyue jumped and expanded to 16-11. After Gong Xiangyu’s back was flat, Du Qingqing dunked the straight line and was rushed to 13-17 by Wu Mengjie. Fortunately, Li Yingying counter-attacked. The red team arranged for Chen Peiyan and setter Yao Di to appear on the stage. Wu Mengjie chased Dafei for a pass until 16-18 and was suspended by Wang Baoquan. Duan Fang adjusted the attack and Chen Peiyan re-buckled to lead the game 24-17. The red team used Gong Xiangyu’s second shot to tie the game 25-17 to 1-1.

In the third game, the blue team arranged the main attacker Liu Yanhan to rotate Yang Jie to start. Gong Xiangyu blocked and Li Yao repeatedly deducted to 5-2 but was dropped by Li Yingying, and then was blocked by Duan Fang and Zheng Yixin probed and lost 3 points in a row. Liu Yan changed the last three buckles to hang and the anti-reverse borrowed his hand to go out to 9-6. The blue team relied on Zheng Yixin to block the ball to 10-7 but lost 5 points, including Li Yingying’s first attack and anti-reverse, Yuan Xinyue dunks, After Cai Bin was 10-12 behind and suspended, Wang Yuanyuan was blocked by Li Yingying, and when Gong Xiangyu was suspended 0-6, she went out of bounds with the second hand.

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The red team changed from the main attacker Wang Yizhu to succeed Duan Fang and Yuan Xinyue shortly to 18-15. Li Yingying defended Li Yao’s heavy buckle pad and was lifted by the latter. The Hawkeye challenge showed that the line was pressed and Mencius were chased by Li Yao. Fly, after losing 3 points, Li Yingying repeatedly defended and scored 2 points from 18-18. After Gong Xiangyu’s second change was suspended and Liu Yanhan defended to tie 20-20, the blue team fired to 22-24 due to Li Yao’s attack, but Gong Xiangyu’s defender and Ding Xia made a mistake to save 4 innings, Li Yao jumped and Liu Yanhan blocked Li Yingying narrowly won 29-27 in the last three.

Wang Baoquan dispatched setter Yao Di to replace Ding Xia in the fourth game. Li Yingying used his hand to go out of bounds and Yuan Xinyue lifted to 4-2. After being missed by Li Yao and Zheng Yixin, Yuan Xinyue intercepted Liu Yan after losing two points. Yang Jie replaced Liu Yan with a combination of hitting and hanging and Diao Linyu’s jumping to put pressure on the blue team. After the timeout, Wang Baoquan arranged for the deputy attacker Yang Hanyu to alternate Gao Yi, and the main attacker Wang Yifan succeeded Wang Yizhu. Yang Hanyu quickly passed the Eagle Eye challenge to show that his out of bounds was reversed to 10-12.

Yao Di posthumously reported that Du Qingqing fired at 10-6 and was slammed 0-7. Wang Yifan stormed out of bounds and Yang Hanyu was short-pitched to 12-14. Li Yaoping pulled away, but Du Qingqing backed the latter to jump out of bounds. The blue team arranged to respond to Sun Xiaoxuan and setter Cai Yaqian at 16-13. Yuan Xinyue dunked the probe and flew a pass and was reversed 17-19. Li Yingying dunked the one-meter line with a stunning dunk. Unfortunately, Yao Di missed the net to 23-21. The red team was saved by Li Yao. Fortunately, Li Yingying scored the ball and tied the game with a 25-22 equalizer 2-2.

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The red team used the setter Yao Di and the main attacker Wang Yifan to start the game. Yuan Xinyue quickly played against Li Yingying, and Li Yao fired a 2-3 game and scored 4 points in a 2-3 game. Li Yao’s attack was praised by Gong Xiangyu and Zheng Yixin with thumbs up, and then three points in a row were reversed. The blue team was hit by Yang Hanyu’s probe because of Gong Xiangyu’s anti-hanging fall. The relay god defense was 13-12 by Gong Xiangyu’s probe and anti-reverse. Li Yingying hit the net and Yuan Xinyue flew back to win 15-13. (Su Yingguo)Return to Sohu to see more


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