Home » Mini allocation from the Government: 20 million out of 203 in damages arrived

Mini allocation from the Government: 20 million out of 203 in damages arrived

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Do you remember what the people of Belluno were busy with a year ago, from Livinallongo to Tambre, from Feltre to Pieve di Cadore? In a second Vaia type emergency; more torrential rain than wind. In any case, damages for over 230 million euros.

Well, the Council of Ministers, on the proposal of President Mario Draghi, approved an allocation of 3 million 406 thousand euros “for the implementation of the interventions as a result of the meteorological events that occurred in the days from 4 to 9 December 2020 in the territory of provinces of Belluno, Treviso and Padua, the Alto Vicentino area and the municipalities of Torre di Quartesolo, Vicenza and Longare ».

There is talk of an “additional allocation” because the first was around 16 million. So, overall, about 20 million. And the emergency is not over yet, in the sense, for example, that the provincial road of Borsoi, in the Municipality of Tambre, is still closed. And that the Region, in the Alpago basin alone, has works underway for 35 million euros. And that the Puos retirement home has a lot of money to pay for the care of its elderly, who have been transferred to Cadore.

«The situation is there for all to see. Responsibilities as well. So », the regional councilor for civil protection, Giampaolo Bottacin, merely said,« there is no comment to make ».

It is known that there are private individuals who have not yet been restored, much less the Municipalities. The Region had to make do. And the Province? «Pure», replies the president Roberto Padrin. The coordination of the works is at the head of Palazzo Piloni.

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“Is there anyone protesting about the delays? Indeed, even before for the lack of compensation? We have done everything possible ”, explains Padrin. Even with Rome.

The province, just a year ago, suffered damages for 227 million and 680 thousand euros, as regards public works, and 9 and a half million for private assets, therefore a total of 237 million and 205 thousand euros. The most important item concerns damage from water and solid transport, for over 105 million. The floods involved 11.5 million damages, the debris flows 16 and a half million.

The landslides had consequences for 43 million; 20 million damages following collapses caused by landslides. Water infiltrations were harmful for 3 million euros, snowfalls for 2 million and 300 thousand euros, gusts of wind for not even half a million, rain showers resulted in flooding for 7 million and 305 thousand euros, more than 16 million in avalanche damage.

The estimate of the damage to private properties was, on the other hand, 2 million and 928 thousand euros; of 625 thousand euros that of movable assets, for a total of 3 million and 553 thousand euros. Damages to individuals have been quantified for 9 million and 525 thousand euros.

It has been calculated that the hydraulic and geological defense interventions will involve an allocation of 108 million. On the other hand, expenditure on the streets is 110 million. The water and sewer pipes require works for 3 million and 483 thousand euros. One million and 380 thousand euros for the restoration of a strategic building. More than two million has cost the work of the companies. The restoration of the roads has committed Anas for 29 million, Veneto Strade for 49.

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Among the most damaged municipalities, Alpago (for almost 4 million euros), Borgo Valbelluna (other 3 million and 121 thousand euros), Chies (6 million and 800 thousand euros), Cencenighe (one and a half million), Domegge (2 million), Feltre (4.3 million), Longarone (more than 13 million), Livinallongo (about 10 million), Pedavena (2.5 million), Pieve di Cadore (1.2 million), Ponte nelle Alpi (1, 8 million), Rivamonte (1.7 million), San Tomaso (1.7 million), Seren del Grappa (more than 2 million), Sovramonte (1.2 million), Tambre (3.1 million), Val di Zoldo (1.4 million), Voltago Agordino (about 3 million), Belluno (11.5 million). And then the Forestry has carried out interventions for more than 52 million, the Civil Engineers for about 11 million, the Alpago mountain union for 1 million and 800 thousand euros. –

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