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thus physical activity counteracts cognitive decline

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Neuroscientist Federica Alemanno explains the benefits of physical exercise to prevent neurodegenerative diseases

Fare sport for the mind, to fight the cognitive decline and counter the risk of neurodegenerative diseases: we often talk about how much physical activity helps prevent cardiovascular and metabolic pathologies, yet it is not limited to that. A sound mind in a sound body, the ancients said. And today’s science confirms this. “In recent years, scientific research has shifted to the effects of physical activity on a cognitive level and has been found to be the positive effect of vascularization, dell’oxygenation also results in a major conduttanza cerebrovascolare. In other words, training the body (in moderation) also trains the mind ”, explains a Official Active Federica Alemanno, Head of the Neuropsychology Service of the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital in Milan and Adjunct Professor at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University.

The effects of sport on the mind –

The effects of physical activity on the brain are amazing: “Thephysical activity not only increases oxygenation thanks to a better blood supply, but it also increases the volume of gray matter in some areas of the brain such as l’ippocampo, one of the key areas for memory that is typically heavily affected in neurodegenerative diseases, and in prefrontal areas, cognitive areas delegated to reasoning, which allow, for example, connections and abstract thinking ”, explains Dr. Alemanno. Just theippocampo it is an area subject to decline with advancing age: “From the age of 50 there is a shrinkage of the hippocampus of 1-2% per year. But the activity, in the broad sense, that we carry out, both physical and cognitive, is able to promote neuroplasticità, or the ability of the brain to change its structure over time in response to experiences. This means that in the most physically trained people (but also mentally) increases the number of synapses, that is, of connections between nerve cells that propagate nerve impulses. The creation of new synapses corresponds to the creation and consolidation of new knowledge and information“, Explains the neuroscientist.

Learning through movement and physical activity –

The neuroplasticità can therefore be stimulated not only by the learning of new languages ​​or by new studies, but also by thelearning new yoga positions or dance steps, to give some examples: “The dance it is wonderful because it trains the body with a cognitive rationale, thus allowing to maximize the results. This discipline involves the memorization of steps, of a choreography, and at the same time it requires the execution of those movements. All areas of memory, of programming and movement are solicited “. The same goes for other sports that involve learning new movements, unusual: “Even just learning a new yoga position or a new movement can improve your neuroplasticità. Anything that involves learning, storing, reviewing and re-proposing information, be it a cultural notion or a movement, has a positive effect on memory. But precisely because stable synapses are created between neurons and we can speak of real learning, information (whether it is also movement) must be resumed and reviewed. In fact, for it to consolidate in the long-term memory, at least twenty minutes must elapse since I confiscated the new information ”, emphasizes Dr. Alemanno.

Sport and mind: the best one to counteract cognitive decline –

But the best sport to counteract cognitive decline and prevent neurodegenerative diseases is always the one recommended also to reduce the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases: “A ‘moderate physical activity, especially aerobic, from low intensity ma long lasting like one walk, a corsa, I swim The cycling, conducted for sessions of at least half an hour each and for at least two or three times a week ”, suggests the neuroscientist. At the opposite, excessive physical activity it can have negative effects: “Excess physical exertion increases it oxidative stress, stimulating the production of free radicals. Most diseases are multifactorial, i.e. they depend in part on genetic predisposition and partly from environmental factors e lifestyles. There are studies that associate, for example, excessively strenuous physical activity with a higher risk of developing neuromuscular pathologies“, Warns Dr. Alemanno, who however points out:“ In the same way, however, also the sedentary lifestyle it is a known risk factor for cognitive decline ”.

Moderation and variety, in diet as in sport, reward –

As in all things it takes variety and moderation: “To counter the cognitive decline and preventing neurodegenerative diseases is important train the mind and the brain “, stresses the neuroscientist. “Even if you’ve never been a sportsman or an intellectual, it’s always better to start late than never, studies show. But rather than dedicating the day totally to physical or intellectual activity, the ideal is to do both. As in terms of diet you cannot eat only vegetables because they are rich in antioxidants, so it would be good to alternate and combining physical activity with mental activity, without exaggerating in one way or another. Life rewards balance, and balance requires a variety that is healthy. “

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